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Go Green and Save Money: Pack a Reusable Water Bottle




Don't pay $4.00 for that bottle of water the crew will try to sell you at the gangway to your awaiting excursion. Even worse, don't be an environmental hog and bring a huge case of water from home, like I've seen some people do. It's wasteful, and those bottles are bad for the environment. Instead, go green! Pack a reusable water bottle and fill it in your stateroom sink before you head out for the day. Don't worry. The ship's water supply is purified, perfectly safe to drink, and tastes as good as any bottled water. For some occasional variety and flavor, mix in a travel packet of Crystal Light. It's much easier and less expensive than packing cases of soda - and less environmentally wasteful, too!

For more ways to save money on your cruise, visit my article: 10 Ways to Avoid Getting Nickel & Dimed on Your Cruise


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I fill an empty water bottle with peanuts to snack on at the airport. When I get on the ship, if there is any left I just put them in a glass, rinse the bottle and fill with water!

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I fill an empty water bottle with peanuts to snack on at the airport. When I get on the ship, if there is any left I just put them in a glass, rinse the bottle and fill with water!

Great idea ... I'll try that!

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