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I may be all smiles in this pic, but there is a side of me that comes out from time to time that includes arms-folded, inverted eyebrows and an attitude ready to usher you into the ocean :angry:. I wear a smile with every out-fit I put on - especially when a cruise ship is involved (who wouldn't?)! But there is a point when not even a cruise ship can keep a smile on my face and it has to do with people. After 30 cruises, I still am amazed that I am blessed to enjoy a traveling luxury - such as a cruise ship - as often as I do. You know I thank God every time I board a ship because I could have easily been the unfortunate man on the sidewalk asking for money or a meal. I just stand amazed! I went from not having a lot to now being able to be spoiled like a prince. I remembered my first cruise like it was yesterday. I just about couldn't hold myself together. The food, the cool people and most importantly the beautiful, sacred connection I was able to find with The Lord.

I soon hit this weird phase in my cruising history. You start talking about the paint job the ship needs, the color of the carpet and even how slow the cabin stewards are at getting you a fresh towel. You begin reaching a point where you become a ship snob and boy did I used to be one! You complain out this... and that. Then you start comparing this ship to another ship and wish it was bigger, or not as many people or pray for more activities to do. Well if you were like me, a few years ago, I have two words for you: SHUT UP! Your negative attitude is poisoning the fun that's supposed to be experienced onboard! Take it from a guy who used to RUN HIS TRAP about everything wrong... it doesn't help anything.

Honestly, you're traveling in style complaining about some food when there's a kid in Haiti who is wondering the streets right now trying to find food, shelter and protection from predators. Like really? But that hamburger could be less burnt though? Right... If it could, go get another one. Gosh, you act like you haven't paid for the food. You have world class crew members working for YOUR amusement. They leave their family and friends behind for months at a time to hear you complain because they didn't turn down your bed twice in a day? They do not get paid enough to feel both a Caribbean breeze and your hot breath. One is enough and it ain't the latter. Do you even turn down your own bed down at home twice a day? Oh and you must use like a million towels at home too right, because the cabin stewards needs to change them everyday? Put yourself in the shoes of those who are less fortunate than you. The people work non-stop around the clock, for YOU. It would be nice to give them a break every now and then you know?

I started meeting with my cabin steward the day I get on and tell them straight up - I don't need turn down service, in fact, I don't need day time service. Just give me the daily activities agenda and and high-five every time I see ya! I am tired of hearing about the things YOU hate about a ship. What is there to hate? You have literally 5 star everything compared to the girl who was just captured and forced into female prostitution. The mouths of complaining and nit-picky cruisers is THE thing I hate about cruising! Please, if you're going to complain, just run back to your cabin and tell someone who will actually care (they'll be looking at you in the mirror). Now I'm not saying you should not rightfully speak up when something like theft of your belongings or something fatal happens and the cruise line is at fault. By all means, please speak up when necessary, but know that you not getting chocolate on your pillow at night is no excuse to just hear yourself bark. Save your breath for all the screaming you'll do at the sailaway deck party! :biggrin:

Give it a go. Be a global citizen who understands and tries to help those who've been working for 14 hours straight feeling exhausted and still wears that smile like nothing's even wrong. Stop complaining. Shut up because nobody gives a cup... of coffee! :laugh: Until we talk ship again, keep cruising and grooving. You know you're cruisetacular for reading and I have nothing but love for ya!


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Good post Shon but there are another group of cruisers that complain WITHOUT anything to compare their cruise to...NEW cruisers!! Many of these folks have watched too many reruns of "Love Boat" and think that their cruise and EVERY cruise is the way it is portrayed on the T.V.!! I have heard people pick everything about their cruise apart like they were taking a puzzle apart. When I cruise, I may "compare" the cruise to past cruises but for me, as I always say, the only bad cruise is the one where the ship sinks!!!

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There are those with unreasonably high expectations, and then there are people who just like to hear themselves complain and are not happy unless they are griping about something.

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Excellent article. Thanks for your point of view. I, too, hear lots of complaints on cruise ships. I try not to feed in to them and walk away.

I remember the first time in Belize. We went to a local grocery store. My comment was how there are "no choices" on the shelves. If you want a bag of cookies, you get the bag that the store offers at that time. We purchased cookies, coffee and local treats. I came back to the U.S. and donated $$ to our community food bank. I used my experience in Belize to promote donations to our food bank when the annual campaign kicked in. It worked!

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Good post Shon but there are another group of cruisers that complain WITHOUT anything to compare their cruise to...NEW cruisers!! Many of these folks have watched too many reruns of "Love Boat" and think that their cruise and EVERY cruise is the way it is portrayed on the T.V.!! I have heard people pick everything about their cruise apart like they were taking a puzzle apart. When I cruise, I may "compare" the cruise to past cruises but for me, as I always say, the only bad cruise is the one where the ship sinks!!!

I agree 100%, Tim! As long as you're floating, you're good! LOL :)

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There are those with unreasonably high expectations, and then there are people who just like to hear themselves complain and are not happy unless they are griping about something.

You are preaching the truth there, Jan! I couldn't have said it better myself!

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Excellent article. Thanks for your point of view. I, too, hear lots of complaints on cruise ships. I try not to feed in to them and walk away.

I remember the first time in Belize. We went to a local grocery store. My comment was how there are "no choices" on the shelves. If you want a bag of cookies, you get the bag that the store offers at that time. We purchased cookies, coffee and local treats. I came back to the U.S. and donated $$ to our community food bank. I used my experience in Belize to promote donations to our food bank when the annual campaign kicked in. It worked!

OMSGH! I LOVE this story! Wow! Would you be up to do an interview? I'd love to feature this as a story one week on BOTH The Cruisetacular Weekly and The Ocean Escape! Let me know if you're interested! :)

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