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Five Days Until Ventura



Well there are just 5 more days to go before I join P&O Cruises, Ventura for a 2 week Mediterranean cruise, and after all the sun we have been having in the UK, I can’t wait! (Slogan pun not intended but pretty hard to avoid)The good weather at home always makes me think more about cruising and this time it has made my mind think non-stop about a sunny and warm sail away.

The last time I sailed out of Southampton on a sunny day was in July 2011, since then it has either been pouring with rain or dark. All I want to do is sit on the Lido Deck with a cocktail and feel the sun on my face. It would also be nice to be able to see Southampton and the Isle of Wight as we leave for a change. Recently they have been obscured by fog or it’s been so dark only lights were visible on the shore. These little things make a big difference so someone have a word with Mother Nature for me please!

With regards to pre-cruise preparation, this time I am failing miserably. I mentioned a few days ago on twitter that I had started packing. What I actually meant was that I had removed the luggage labels from my bags that were left on from my Caribbean cruise. I know it’s pitiful, but I keep getting side tracked by a dozen other things. I will say proudly though that yesterday I managed to pack my shoes. That’s it! I am sure I will unpack them and re-pack them again between now and Friday but for the time being as far as I am concerned they are packed.

One thing I did start and have completed is the printing of all the cruise documents. I suppose that’s because I press buttons and the printer then does all the work. I have my e-ticket, luggage labels, insurance info and coach transfer ticket. Seated neatly on top is my passport so in that sense you could say I am all ready to go! ?

Today’s post is a little shorter because I am telling myself I MUST start getting organised and I can’t do that if I keep the laptop on. I shall finish by saying I can’t wait to be back on board Ventura. My friend is already having fantasies about the Pizza from Frankie’s and I can’t stop thinking about the Chicken Sizzler with Rice from the Beach House. Usually I don’t think too much about the food before a cruise but boy do I LOVE that Sizzler dish! And it must be with Rice never with Chips!

It’s probably a good thing we only decided to book this cruise 17 days before it sailed, I dread to think the state we would be in by now if we had booked months earlier!

By Danielle aka CruiseMiss





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