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Make Your Luggage Stand Out in a Crowd




Unless you have personally designed your own luggage or purchased a uniquely different set from a retailer, your luggage probably looks like mine – ordinary black, green or blue - basic and functional. Claiming your luggage on the bag carousel or in the cruise port terminal can be confusing, and it’s easy to walk away with someone else’s stuff when all the bags look alike.

Make your luggage stand out and easier to spot in the endless sea of bags. You don’t have to be an artist to individualize your bags. Try some of these simple tricks:

· Use colorful, unique name tags

· Wrap the handles in colorful tape, ribbon or store-bought handle wraps

· Accent with neon strips of duct tape

· Fasten ribbons, yarn or scarves to the bags

· Personalize it with stickers … they’re not just for kids!

A little bag decorating will go a long way in quickly identifying your bags, avoiding a mix-up and getting you swiftly on your way.


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We've got duct tape on our old bags, but it doesn't look pretty. Some of it peeled off, and when I went to pull off the rest, it left a sticky residue. I just bought a new set of bags, and my husband wants to do the duct tape strips. I purchased the store-bought handle wraps and bold color tags, which is enough for me. He can keep the duct tape for his bag.

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Have a red, white and blue strap that goes around the bag and it has my name woven into it. Kind of hard to miss. LOL

Love that idea! It's a great alternative to the duct tape strips.

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