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Happy Monday, cruisetacular peeps! I hope you all have been enjoying the cruising stories I've shared over the past few weeks. I'm gonna take a break from them today, but know I'll have many more in the weeks and months ahead. In fact, I just finished my blog-writing schedule last night for the duration of 2013 and it's hard to believe another year is getting ready to close on us. Whew! Time is flying, wouldn't you say?

I noticed a trend on my side of town and was wondering if you all have the same thing happening where you live? I was going through my closet the other day and realized I have an overabundance of cruise ship t-shirts. Many I wear to the gym, some I use as clothing changes when doing videos for my Youtube Channel and others are archived in plastic because they're so vintage. I have Carnival Cruise Line's m/s Celebration's inaugural cruise tee, Celebrity Cruises' m/v Horizon graphic tee and even Norwegian Caribbean Line's (now Norwegian Cruise Line) s/s Norway on a tee (you can view here). Many of you may have seen these shirts in a few videos I've done, but if you do the math something doesn't quite add up...

Many of you may wonder how do I own shirts of cruise ships that are older than me? How did I find them? Where did I find them? Well, the answer lies in a hidden gem in my neighborhood - my local thrift store. Seriously, I find so many cool cruise momentous in there! It came as a suggestion from a friend of mine one day and ever since, I've been going there looking for cruise tees and sporting them like no tomorrow.

Do you shop at thrift stores? I know many people "look down" on 'em, but they are truly loaded with treasures many others have trashed (you know how the saying goes). Feel free to share what you've found that's cruise related, in your local thrift store below. And if you've never been to one, you now have some motivation to not just look for tees, but also mugs, pins and host of other cruise collectibles (you never know what you'll find)! Keep cruising and grooving and be sure to rock your new 'thrifty cruise finds' along the way! See ya next Monday with more cruisetacular coverage!


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The good thing about thrift stores Shon is you can buy brand new stuff there as well. On the other side of the coin, I haven't really looked for cruise items when I shop at the thrift stores near me but it's a good idea. I have sold cruise stuff I had an abundance of at garage sales I had (like those plastic DOD glasses where I had multiple duplicates of but saved the REAL glass one's for me). I have my fair share of TEE's too from past cruises but my favorite collectors items is the pictures of the ship Carnival used to give out on the last night of the cruise but don't anymore. I also collect the models of the ships that the lines sell in their onboard shops. Sorry, getting off topic here......

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The good thing about thrift stores Shon is you can buy brand new stuff there as well. On the other side of the coin, I haven't really looked for cruise items when I shop at the thrift stores near me but it's a good idea. I have sold cruise stuff I had an abundance of at garage sales I had (like those plastic DOD glasses where I had multiple duplicates of but saved the REAL glass one's for me). I have my fair share of TEE's too from past cruises but my favorite collectors items is the pictures of the ship Carnival used to give out on the last night of the cruise but don't anymore. I also collect the models of the ships that the lines sell in their onboard shops. Sorry, getting off topic here......

Awesome stuff there, man! And YES! I DOOOOO remember those beautiful painted-like portraits Carnival used to give out back in the day (now I'm gonna go try finding mine)!

As you know, I always welcome the cruise chatter, so please never apologize for sharing your amazing high seas adventures - I love 'em!

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Ok then Shon, I have 5 Carnival placemat pics hanging on my "I Love Me" wall (that's 2 walls I have in my computer room/office where 1 wall is of my military pics and awards and 1 wall of my civilian awards like the one from the City of New York and of the placemats that were given out on the last night of some of our Carnival cruises). The picture placemats I have framed are of the Carnival Celebration, the Ecstasy, the Triumph and the Pride. I also have one my brother gave me before he passed away in 2010 of the Miracle. After our cruise on the Pride is when it seemed they stopped giving out the picture placemats. Wish they still had those :(

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I love thrift shopping. In fact, when shopping on vacation and everyone hits the usual gift shops, I had for the local second hand places, though - like you - Sarge I haven't looked for anything in particular relating to cruises. But, Shon, you've given me a great idea!

I have a couple of freebie T-shirts, but mostly I have gotten those from the bargain tables the last day of the cruise. It always seemed like a good idea at the time, until one day I realized I don't even like t-shirts-LOL! So if anyone is looking for cruise shirts, just ask!

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Ok then Shon, I have 5 Carnival placemat pics hanging on my "I Love Me" wall (that's 2 walls I have in my computer room/office where 1 wall is of my military pics and awards and 1 wall of my civilian awards like the one from the City of New York and of the placemats that were given out on the last night of some of our Carnival cruises). The picture placemats I have framed are of the Carnival Celebration, the Ecstasy, the Triumph and the Pride. I also have one my brother gave me before he passed away in 2010 of the Miracle. After our cruise on the Pride is when it seemed they stopped giving out the picture placemats. Wish they still had those :(

Haha! I love the "I Love Me" walls! Also, let me take this time to thank you for service to this country. Coming from a family where military and law enforcement careers are nearly ubiquitous, I truly appreciate and understand the nature of the call. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

I also have one of Celebration, Fascination, Imagination, Victory and two of Triumph! I miss those too! Maybe they could bring 'em back? One can hope and dream, right? LOL

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I love thrift shopping. In fact, when shopping on vacation and everyone hits the usual gift shops, I had for the local second hand places, though - like you - Sarge I haven't looked for anything in particular relating to cruises. But, Shon, you've given me a great idea!

I have a couple of freebie T-shirts, but mostly I have gotten those from the bargain tables the last day of the cruise. It always seemed like a good idea at the time, until one day I realized I don't even like t-shirts-LOL! So if anyone is looking for cruise shirts, just ask!

Woohoo! Thrift shopping for the win! And that's something I've have yet to do aboard. Okay, I like this Jan, you gave me something new to try and I passed one to you, too - let's keep this up! :)

And free t-shirts, you say? Which ships ya talking? I also like hitting up the last night bargins onboard - you can always find some good stuff then! :)

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