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Countdown to Grand Princess - #CM3KOnGrand



And the time has come. Wow. I can't believe it's almost here! So I will be leaving for nearly a month of just fun, fun, fun! Next week I leave Baltimore to hang in Los Angeles and Long Beach for a few days before heading up to San Francisco to catch Grand Princess! I still can't believe I'm getting ready to sail on this 16 escape to Hawaii and the Mexican Riviera... AHHH! Sorry y'all, I can't contain my excitement! It's just come full circle for me. This has been a trip a whole year in the making and now... IT'S FINALLY HERE!

After the amazing cruise with Princess, I'm planning to rendezvous in Las Vegas for my birthday on January 5th and stay a few nights before returning back to Charm City! Whew! Are you going to follow along and come with me? I would hope so! I'll be posting pictures on my Facebook, Instagram and Tumblr accounts as well as tweeting every moment to ya LIVE from my Twitter Account (@CruiseMan3000). If you're on Twitter, I'll be using the hashtag #CM3KOnGrand for the whole trip with all my pics, so look for the hash to tag along! ? Also, look for some video updates coming to ya from my Youtube Channel! Be sure to like, comment and subscribe! :biggrin:


And yes, I'll be staying aboard the original Queen Mary in Long Beach before I sail on Grand Princess. How cool is that - a pre-cruise stay on a cruise ship before the actual cruise?! Stay tuned for all of the madness I'll be getting into while out west - I've got many surprises to reveal along the way so be sure to follow along! Well, until we talk ship again, keep cruising and grooving!

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