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Give it a TEN



During every voyage you go on the cruise staff makes the professional effort to put you (the passenger) first so that the voyage full of memories that will last forever.  From the amazing ‘Cabin Stewarts and Waiters all the way through to the Captain;’ working on a cruise ship is a full-time job.  Every morning, the amazing crew wake up before you do (at 5am depending on the crew level), and don’t get to bed until you do - 24/7.  None of the crew gets a day off, and they don’t see their families because of their ‘six month contract.’  This is where you come in.  

At the end of every Princess cruise you’ll receive an online survey to complete when you arrive home.  It’s important to complete it so that you can:

  1. Thank your favourite crew members, and so that 
  2. Your favourite cruise staff gets rewarded with ‘a day off to relax, and even sleep.’  

All you have to do is ‘give your favourite on board Restaurant the score of ‘10,’ and compliment your favourite crew members by including ‘their name (if you know it) and the Department they work in’ because it all adds up.

Edited by KarinaGreen


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