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We interrupt this program for a special message...



blog-0889600001337353328.jpgI just wanted to take a break from cruise-related things to wish my amazing sister, Laurie, a very happy birthday!!

Last night Laurie got the greatest present a mom could get...the news that her son's one year post cancer treatment scans came back NED...no evidence of disease...no cancer...ALL CLEAR! Jack is still cancer free!!!

Happy birthday to you, Laurie!! You are one amazing mom and sister. Happy NED to Jackers! We love you! What a present you gave your mommy!

Happy Friday to all of you, dear readers and Cruise Crazies! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kind words and prayers. They worked and will continue to work! I wish you a wonderful Friday!!

To continue following Jack and the difference that Laurie is making...visit www.thejackmortonfoundation.org

-Stacey (StaRed)

The Accidental Cruiser

The attached photo was taken of Laurie and Jack celebrating his first NED result.


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