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I missed the Ship! For Real (part 2)



So on my last blog I told a story about almost missing the ship..

Part 2 is also a true story about about actually missing the ship.

This is one of the craziest stories I have had while traveling. I can say that when it comes to traveling to your ship or a transfer of ships when working for ships the cruise lines will waste a LOT of money.

It all started while I was working on the Carnival Legend. It was a nice ship but the same ports every week can drive you crazy. I asked for a transfer to the Carnival Freedom, a ship I worked on before with great ports.

When the time came to transfer, the ships didn't dock at the same time in Florida so I couldn't easily make the switch so I suggested to be let off at Cozumel for 3 nights when the Freedom would dock, but they ignored my plan and this was their "genius plan"!

I arrive from the Legend on a Sunday... take a long bus ride to Miami, staying in a hotel and catching an early flight to Cancun and then to Cozumel. All went as planned until I got to the tiny plane traveling to Cozumel, and they were running late, which was not good because I was cutting it close. The plane was scheduled to land at 3:30 CST and the ship was scheduled to leave at 4 CST (you do the math because I don't think they did) I landed at 3:50 got in a cab and rushed to the port 40 minutes away. 15 minutes from the dock I could see the ship leaving... WHAT NOW?

Without a phone, I rushed to the closest WiFi hotspot and emailed my agent, (after ordering a drink :P) they told me to find a hotel and stay the night and they will figure it out the next day, so I did. I had to check out at 11am, and waited in the Lobby with wifi my only means of communication until 6pm when they wrote me saying stay another night. They finally contacted me the next day telling me to get on the next flight off Cozumel to Dallas to Miami and fly out Thursday morning (Thanksgiving day) to Panama (the country) I got into Miami at 1am, stayed in a hotel but had to be back at the airport at 4am. Needless to say I was exhausted... and in my exhaustion I left my laptop at security (which i picked up the following sunday) but when I arrived in Panama and waited for my luggage, it never came. They told me it was coming in on a later flight, which didn't work for me because the boat would have to leave. So I wrote down where they could send it... and to make an even long story longer SHORT... I didn't get my luggage until 4 weeks later when we arrived at Panama again.

YEA so thats my missing the boat story.. it was a nice little vacation in Cozumel... but to think of how much money they wasted on flights and hotels is crazy!

Anyone out there have any great stories of missing the ship? Comment below.. i would love to hear them!

thanks for reading and check me out www.thedannyblack.com

So I checked in again after wasting a day in a Lobby.


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