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  • John Travolta Attacks Cruise Ship Worker's 'Absurd' Lawsuit

    John Travolta is fighting back against a cruise ship worker who alleges the star sexually assaulted him on board a cruise in 2009.

    John Travolta's attorney filed documents on Friday requesting a lawsuit from Former Royal Caribbean employee Fabian ZanziIn against the star be dismissed.

    The former worker alleges that the 'Grease' actor asked him for a neck massage before dropping his robe and exposing his erect . The claim was among a string of similar allegations fired at the actor earlier this year.

    The incident is said to have occurred when Zanzi worked as a room service operator for Royal Caribbean International in 2009 and made a delivery to the actor's stateroom. Three of the star's masseurs and a gym employee have now claimed to have matching experiences with the actor.

    In court documents filed on Friday by powerful Los Angeles lawyer Marty Singer, Travolta requested that Zanzi's lawsuit be dismissed and that Zanzi pay for legal fees.

    According to papers obtained by TMZ, Travolta has admitted to being on the 2009 cruise, but denies every allegation of misconduct.

    The Chilean-born worker, who is suing for unspecified damages, says he resisted, and then Travolta offered him $12k to keep silent.

    It has since emerged that many of the details mentioned in Zanzi's lawsuit were not included in the original written complaint he made to his management aboard the ship. He now claims they refused to allow him to write down any details regarding nudity or sexual contact.

    Travolta's lawyer said: "This is another ludicrous lawsuit with inane claims. It is obvious that Mr. Zanzi and his lawyers are looking for their 15 minutes of fame.

    "The lawsuit’s ridiculous claims are completely contradicted by what Mr. Zanzi told his employer back in 2009 when he was being disciplined for his own violations of company policy.

    "In his handwritten report three years ago, the only physical contact he claimed occurred was allegedly touching my client’s neck.

    "The inappropriate conduct he alleges in his lawsuit is absent from his written report he submitted at the time. That glaring omission speaks volumes.

    "Also calling his credibility into question is his dubious allegation that his employer supposedly restrained him in a room on the cruise ship for five days, yet after that supposedly occurred, Mr. Zanzi continued to work for Royal Caribbean for years, on multiple ships.

    "Now, after waiting three years, and after getting paid to tell his story to the media, Mr. Zanzi has filed this absurd lawsuit. We are confident that my client will prevail on the merits and that he will be completely vindicated in court."

    Mr Singer was referring to an employee discipline form where it is stated Fabian Zanzi admitted to superiors at Royal Caribbean International he rubbed the 'Look Who's Talking' star's neck, but turned down his request that he return later.

    We're not sure what to think!

    Source: EntertainmentWise.com

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