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Everything posted by GottaCruz

  1. Eph, do they train the crew on how to live together in such small quarters without fighting over the bathroom and who gets the uppers and lowers?
  2. I didn't realize they work 7 days a week. At least the shifts aren't long. Working 7 days a week for the entire length of the contract - yeah, can understand why anyone would be tired. Eph, how is the length of the contract determined? Does the cruiseline tell you what it is or does someone looking for employment let them know how long?
  3. Very interesting, Eph. I knew the cabins for crew were small but I had no idea that 4 adults would be in one small cabin. I had assumed it was 2 . The showers are half the size ? Wow, can't imagine how you even turn around in that or how 4 adults share one bathroom. Now I see why the crew is so cheerful . Like you said, Eph, they're glad to be out of that small space and in the beautiful common areas of the ship. Great info. Thanks for posting it
  4. Thanks for the post, Stivo. That's what I love about cruising. The routes can be changed due to storms and hurricanes and even illnesses , like in this case. I hope everyone affected makes a quick recovery. It's horrible to be sick on a cruise.
  5. Really? I could think of a lot of things to spend that 600 on. And they wouldn't give me a headache the next day. Thanks for posting, Stivo.
  6. When we sailed RC Liberty of the Seas recently, we went from our cabin to our car in less than 30 minutes, no lines whatsoever but we had done the early debarkation , taking our luggage. We've had lines to get off before and waited for quite a while on the customs line, but this last trip was our fastest debarkation ever. It was from Port Everglades. I guess it was just our lucky day. That was in February.
  7. Wow, I would love that. That sounds amazing. Thanks for the info.
  8. Ah, I always wondered about that too. Now we know- mystery solved. Thanks, Eph60.
  9. Eph, first of all, welcome to CruiseCrazies. It's great to have you as a member. Wow, I've been on so many cruises and never noticed that. I can go on the same ship over and over and still lose my way. So, that is a great tip. I will definitely be looking for those numbers from now on. Hope to see you posting very often .
  10. Welcome to the site, Melissa. So glad you found us. Have a fabulous cruise. We'd love you to come back here and tell us all about it when you return.
  11. Very interesting for us, providing they do 3 or 4 day cruises. Has anyone sailed this line?
  12. Glad you found us, Neomi. We love new members and you will be a real asset to CruiseCrazies. Hope to see you posting often in the various forums.
  13. Wow, thanks, Jan and Michael and Amy. I will definitely be checking out those dates, not the March 28th, though. I didn't realized that Celebrity did the shorter cruises too .
  14. Another reason we really should try Celebrity. Does anyone know if Celebrity does a 3 or 4 day cruise from Ft. Lauderdale or Miami???
  15. Welcome to CruiseCrazies, Helen. You'll see that our members are extremely friendly . We're glad you found us and hope to see you posting often in the forums. Feel free to add your cruise info so you can connect with others going on your cruise. Just click the "Connect" tab at the top of the page if you haven't already done so. We love new members.
  16. Wonder where it is now. There was a movie about a ghost ship. Actually, it was a horror movie. Anyone remember that?
  17. They all sound great to me. I just wish they would do round trips since I do not fly.
  18. Margojay, So glad that you found the site and glad to have you as a member. I'm also in Florida. I don't know which port you are closest to but we are in South Florida. We only do the 3 and 4 day cruises out of Ft. Lauderdale or Miami and , for you and hubby, those short cruises would be perfect to try it out. Between November and March, we sail on the Liberty of the Seas from Ft. Lauderdale, their 4 day cruise and when that ship leaves for the season, we do the Majesty of the Seas from Miami , the 3 day cruise. Please tell your husband that the ships nowadays have stabilizers that prevent the seasickness from years ago. Some people also get the seasickness patch for behind the ear that you can get a script for from your M.D. Also, they have the dramamine pills that I always take with me, just in case. The ships now are so very different than they were when he was a child. Once he gives it a try, he 'll probably be crazy about cruising , just like we all are. If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to ask away.
  19. Marylou, Wishing you and Jim a fabulous cruise. Enjoy every minute and looking forward to seeing some photos when you return.
  20. Martha, have a fabulous cruise. Hope to hear all about it when you return.
  21. Enjoy every minute. Hope to hear all about it when you return.
  22. Enjoy every minute, Sonar. Hope to hear all about it when you return.
  23. Have a fabulous cruise, Chris. Hope to hear all about it.
  24. Carole, you've done an amazing job!!! Thanks so very much for all your hard work.
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