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CaroleB last won the day on August 25 2016

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1 Follower

About CaroleB

  • Birthday June 21

Personal Info

  • First Name
  • Gender
  • State
  • Country
    United States


  • First Cruise Year
  • Cruises Sailed
  • Days Cruised
  • Favorite Cruise Line
  • Favorite Shipboard Activity
    Ocean watching
  • Favorite Itinerary
  • Favorite Port Activity
    Walking & sightseeing
  • Places I've Cruised To
    Princess Cays, Eleuthera Islands, St. Thomas, St./Sint Maartin, Grand Cayman, Cozumel, Ocho Rios, Montego Bay, Key West, Playa del Carmen, Progresso, Freeport Bahamas, Nassau Bahamas, British Virgin Islands and many more.
  • Last Cruise Date
  • Next Cruise Date


  • Hobbies & Interests
    Cruises, technology, motorcycles, military, shooting, webmaster, music, playing my flute, piccolo or clarinet.
  • Music
    I like most kinds of music but not rap, blues, or old country.
  • Movies
    Old movies - Jimmy Stewart, Cary Grant, Jerry Lewis.
    Comedies, True Stories
  • TV Shows
    Dancing with the Stars, Criminal Minds, Jeopardy, CSI, Castle, Bones, State of Affairs, Madam Secretary, CSI Cyber, Switched at Birth
  • Sports
  • Food
    Italian is my favorite
  • Pets
    Dogs - Miniature Pinscher "Maggie,
    Pound Puppy "Gracie"
    Cats - Grey/Black Tabby Bobtail Cat "Bob"
    Grey/Black Tabby Bobtail Cat "Temperance"
    Black Cat "Chloe"
    Bengal - "Fitz" (brother of Simon)
    White Cat - "Simon" (brother of Fitz)
  • Books
    Christian Books, Medical Books, Interesting Fact books, Technology Books
  • Quotes
    Pray like everything depends on God. Work like everything depends on you.
  • Occupation
    Independent Vacation Specialist - Cruises Inc.
    Official Travel Agent of the USAF Thunderbirds

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  1. I will be on the Escape on Nov 14, 2015. Excited to see this ship and enjoy a wonderful cruise!
  2. 67 days till I board the Norwegian Escape! 65 days till I begin my drive to Florida and will have a road trip afterwards to Georgia, Mississippi then home. :)))
  3. Looks that way :) hoping for a great prosperous year!
  4. And a smile. Hoping 2015 will be a big improvement over 2014
  5. So far 2015 is good! LOL Booked on the NCL Escape on Nov 14 and ready to go! :) Going to swim with dolphins (again), swim with sealions (first time) and swim with sea turtles (first time). Whoo Hoo! As far as riding: I put 300 miles on my bike and John put 300 miles on his trike, the day we got them out of the shop.....then cold weather hit, so we wait. LOL Trike looks like new but I guess it should after all the repairs. I also have an executive dinner in Dallas next with NCL and our Regional Conference in Houston on the 21st. Then I am planning a trip to see my daughter in Waco and go to our annual USAF Thunderbirds air show in June then a visit to my daughter in St Louis in July, then the cruise in November. I'm ready. :)
  6. Booked! Online check in completed. Three shore excursions picked! Ready! Counting down. :) Who is with me?
  7. Thanks everyone! We drove 13 hours yesterday and made it to Pensacola. We are now up after a good nights sleep and headed for Ft. Lauderdale. Should be there a little after 8 :)) then another sleep and a wake up to get on the Regal. Very excited!!
  8. I am certainly ready. I need this cruise to re-energize. I must apologize to Jason because I was helping him with the port guides and all this just stopped everything. Being a fulltime caregiver to someone injured so bad AND trying to recover my own injuries was and still is overwhelming. It was more than I expected and then for John to get ill just as things were looking up............... I am in a better place mentally right now, but still need this vacation! :)
  9. Well, I've been absent from the boards for a while. Starting my new home business and then in June, John and I had a wreck. You would not think you could wreck a huge Harley Trike but YEP, you can. We hit a guard rail (late at night) and it threw us both off. I hit his helmet with my chest as I went over the top of him, back tire on his head (yes we always wear helmets). Not sure what happened next, then I hit the ground on my back about 20 feet away. Fortunately we were thrown onto the grass, not the road. Got up, heard John screaming, pulled my helmet off and went to him. The trike was on top of him - no way I could lift it, because it is close to 1100 lbs. Out of NO WHERE came two guys (previously there was no one on this road in front or behind us). They lifted the trike off John and I drug him out screaming. Next thing I know, there is a cop and an ambulance. It's all a blur till the hospital. He is in the trauma section of the ER. I am right there with him as they cut his clothes off and carefully removed his helmet. I had a back injury and whiplash....never admitted to hospital. John, after the MRI, and CT scan, has NO brain injury, but has a partially collapsed lung, 5 broken ribs and broken collar bone. He spent a week in the hospital - two days of that in trauma care ward. This accident occured on my birthday. :( It's been 4 months now. Lots of doctor visits, lots of meds and me MAKING him do his breathing treatments to keep him from getting pnuemonia. Then just as things are looking upward, he got very sick three weeks ago. So sick, he couldn't hold down any food for two weeks. He stayed like that for two weeks. No energy at all, and food made him throw up. I kept water in him and made him nibble on crackers. Now for the past week, all is well. He is still healing from the wreck and my back wont quite be the same since I had an old injury in the same spot but we are getting back to normal - Just in time for our upcoming Regal Princess cruise on Nov 9th! The trike is repaired - $11,000 worth of damage to repair/replace. Wouldn't have been as much but we chose the option to REPLACE parts rather than repair. It's still in the shop till we come up with the $500 deductable but John is not quite ready to ride yet. Ironically, I chose NOT to ride my new bike for that evening. I just got a new 2014 Harley Softail Deluxe in Vodoo Purple metalflake at the very end of May. I haven't rode since the wreck....not out of fear, but making sure my back is completely healed before I try to hold up that 800 lb beast. :) We are both so ready for a cruise! We are blessed. We had family bring us food the first night home. Neighbors who mowed and brushhogged the property and kept it free from snakes. Friends kept our dogs for three weeks. We are staying at home till the cruise except necessary outtings. I think I will wrap John in bubble wrap. Three years ago a brown recluse almost killed him. A week in the hospital and two surgeries saved his life. Now three years later a wreck (my first wreck of any kind). Three years from now, I am duct taping him to his recliner! Bring on the Drink of the Day!
  10. I'm cruising the Sunshine on March 30 in cabin 8335. I'd love to see some pics if you were able to take some. I took tons of pics and you will LOVE 8335. Your bed faces the window so you can see the ocean when you wake up. :) The balcony is HUGE!!
  11. The decor is MUCH nicer than Carnivals old color scheme. The layout if the ship is odd but the atmosphere is so much better. The Alchemy Bar is awesome and the barkeep Daniel is great! Any particular questions?
  12. Send me an email or message here and I will send you a link. Don't want to advertise here without permission.
  13. I will be on the Sunshine in 19 days. Anyone have a particular photo requests? I am in a cat 9C Wrap balcony of deck 8. my parents are in the 8M next to us on the stern and daughter and grandson in an inside across the hall. Cabins 8333, 8335 and 8331. I will pics of those cabins. Let me know if you have a request and I will do my best to get pics. Anything else you need, let me know and I will try to help you out.
  14. 19 days to go AND I have my next cruise booked already. Regal Princess - Nov 9, 2014 from Ft. Lauderdale. :)
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