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Everything posted by KeithnRita

  1. Glacier, Welcome to CruiseCrazies! Your three choices are all good, or should we say great, as there are no bad cruises. We have sailed RCI and Celebrity, but have yet to sail Princess, however, we have heard mainly good things about them. We do believe the food and service on Celebrity is a slight cut above RCI, but that's just our opinion. If the price, timing, and itinerary was attractive would not hesitate to cruise on any one of the three. Also, when it comes to cruising there are no stupid questions. Congratulations on choosing such a wonderful Christmas present for your SO.
  2. live2ski The "must" see would be Stingray City in Grand Cayman. Also, Sharkray Alley in Belize. Some might say Mayan ruins on the Yucatan Peninsula. We think all the ports are safe and you should not have any problems venturing out on your own. Just keep in mind if you are on a ship excursion, the ship won't leave without you. If you are on your own leave plenty time to get back to the ship before it sails. :wink: :wink:
  3. DestinyinDec, we are doing the doc dance with you
  4. Very nicely written review Lisa. Glad you had a great time. Your airline problems are the reasons we try to drive to port.
  5. Chris Jusy click the below link: Radiance inside stateroom 360 deg tour
  6. You're not crazy, you are CruiseCrazy!
  7. cruisecybill & jtutak :smiley: :smiley:
  8. John, Lisa63 already identified the port correctly as Tortola in an above post. :wink: :wink:
  9. Dan, Regatta is correct! Cruise line is Oceania.
  10. Lisa63 is correct on port. Dan is warm on ship--it is a smaller one.
  11. Shari2 & Skipper on the same ship, we are dancing with you guys
  12. We retired the health rider, ski machine, etc. All we have now is a treadmill which we use quite a bit in the winter.
  13. ONOYAGE Three Crazies cruising together--have a great time and drink an umbrella drink for us!
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