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Everything posted by KeithnRita

  1. Sailinglisa on new booking! You are right--inside outside, doesn't matter. Just get us on a ship! :cool: :cool:
  2. Now we are really confused--the Hawaiian Islands are now a part of the Caribbean?
  3. Our story is on our very first night aboard ship on our first cruise we slept until three in the afternoon. The rocking motion of the ship made us sleep like babies! Our cabin steward was getting worried about us. :shocked: :shocked:
  4. Just like Joyce and her DH our favorite is HAL.
  5. We always vacation in May at our time share in Siesta Key. All other vacations we look at a cruise first.
  6. Hi Rose--tell Karl Malden hello from us! :grin: :grin:
  7. We take about $100.00 a day to use in the casino or what ever port we are in. If we make any large purchases in port we use our credit card.
  8. Congrats on final payment! Our final is due next month. Anyone care to donate?
  9. With all the bad news lately from the hurricanes and the aftermath, we at least can celebrate something! Now we can start the countdown to our cruise. Also, after a couple of days of worry we were finally able to contact our Aunt and Uncle in Panama City who had tornados all around them but had no damage. They lost power for a couple days. Here on the Ohio River in southern Indiana we had dry weather and have not been affected by Frances or Ivan--until now. The river is on the rise and flood stage is expected by the end of the week. This will flood some roads and will be just a minor inconvenience for some people. There will always be a rocket scientist or two that will try to drive on these roads and will have to be rescued. :shocked: :shocked: Whoops, we meant to say double digits! Single was a wish!
  10. Richard, time to do the DOC DANCE
  11. We figure it's like dressing up for the "Seniors" prom. Not many opportunities around here for formal wear, so we kind of look forward to it. I especially like to see Rita in her gowns. She loves shopping for them. Also, it is a great photo-op! We would say just go for it jrnygrl--let the shopping begin! :cool: :cool:
  12. Now, that's the correct attitude and spirit. You guys have a great time and drink an umbrella drink for us! SEA YOU!
  13. We take a power strip, which comes in handy for camcorder battery charging, laptops, curling irons, etc.
  14. michaeldlanders We have sailed on six "dam" ships, but not the Oosterdam. We will be on the Zaandam when your cruise starts. As far as boarding times, usually around noon. We have never tried the specialty restaurant--maybe we will on our cruise. As far as our experience on HAL it has been nothing but great. The ships seem to have more space per passenger and the service has always been outstanding. The food has always been very good. Also, we have never encountered the chair hogs like some of the other lines we have cruised. Everybody has their favorites on everything from cars to cruise lines, and HAL happens to be our favorite!
  15. All our cruises, except the last one and including our next one, was with a TA. Our last cruise taken was booked late and direct thru Celebrity. We would probably not book with a Internet agency. You don't have a category for TA and cruise line direct so we checked TA. :smiley: :smiley:
  16. ebonyeyes1963, We will be just returning from our New Years cruise as you start your cruise. All the friendlies on this board will help you get excited in anticipation of your first cruise. Just keep posting and you will get that upgrade to ocean view with CruiseCrazies in no time.
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