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Everything posted by KeithnRita

  1. Rita likes Skipjacks--orange rum, cranberry juice and contreau.
  2. April--Wishing you and your husband a great honeymoon cruise. :smiley: :smiley:
  3. Jeff--We are happy for you and Browie! Have a great time!
  4. Elena Sorry, we can't help you on formal wear, as we have not sailed on Crystal. We think your TA should be able to get you rental info--make them earn their pay!
  5. You all win a giant cookie, however, you have to come to Indiana to get it!
  6. Michelle, Welcome to CruiseCrazies! We will be there in Dec--let us know how you like DR.
  7. We will drink to that! p.s. Welcome to CruiseCrazies! :cool:
  8. ONOYAGE SAAdds1 Have a great cruise on the Miracle
  9. Cheryl--There is a lot of small motels that share the beach access with Sea Club V. Also, larger hotels are on the Key, as well. Not sure how long of drive from Fort Lauderdale--it is about 2 hours from Orlando. map: http://www.seaclubv.com/scv_map.asp
  10. Great review John--we enjoyed reading. The Maasdam is one of our favorite ships! :cool: :cool:
  11. Ours was on our first cruise, the Sensation. We took a sailboat/snorkel excursion in St. Thomas to Buck Island. The snorkeling was great and on the way back the rum ran freely and the Jimmy Buffett CD blared loudly. We had a great time!
  12. Arctic Circle....Evansville (our home town--not quite as cold!)
  13. lonestar, have a great cruise!
  14. Welcome to CruiseCrazies snoklechick. No Inspiration cruise for us--when is yours? :cool: :cool:
  15. That that is a great cruise photo! :wink: :wink:
  16. Great looking album Jeff!! We left you a note in your guest book. :cool: :cool:
  17. It looks like you figured it out! :wink: :wink:
  18. It looks like you figured it out! :wink: :wink:
  19. Maria--If you are talking about a countdown clock go to: http://www.geocities.com/quietman01970/maker1.htm Just follow the instructions. :wink: :wink:
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