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Everything posted by Mebert

  1. jtutak, Thanks for your prompt reply. I can't wait to hear about your 10 day adventure on the Nile. Is the ship still in operation?
  2. Hi jtutak, I noticed that you had sailed the Nile Romance Nile River about 15 years ago. Cruising the Nile is something that's not written about very often. Do you remember any of it? Can you tell us something about it? It's one of my dreams to cruise the Nile and also the Yangtsee River in China. You would help to put some solidity to my dreams.
  3. Boy, that's a really large gash. Two unfortunate cruise events in one two weeks. I know this looks scary and fortunately, there were no casualties. The occurance of these types of events in the cruise industry is very rare today, so people should not get too frightened yet. I really feel bad for the passengers whose cruises were interrupted and hope that the remaining passengers made the best of the use of the ship. I don't know how I would feel if I were a passenger on the Norwegian Dawn or the Grandeur of the Seas and been the victim of thoses events. I'm not looking forward to being a witness to those types of events and have to report them on this board. But, I think I would try to make the best of a bad situation as long as I wasn't flooded out of the cabin.
  4. rogue, Congratulations on your booking. I don't know how you can stand the wait. :huh:
  5. Have a great cruise, sailinglisa.
  6. I'm glad no one was injured on board or ashore. If anything was to happen like that it's best that it happens where immediate help and repair personnel can get to it easily. If one does not use all of the onboard credit is the balance refunded by the purser?
  7. Hi rogue, I enjoyed your review. I will venture out from Carnival one of these days.
  8. rogue, . I look forward to hearing about your cruise.
  9. KarenUK, Welcome back. I hope you enjoyed your cruise. You were missed.
  10. KarenUK, Welcome back. I hope you enjoyed your cruise. You were missed.
  11. KarenUK, Welcome back. I hope you enjoyed your cruise. You were missed.
  12. Hi Longwait, Welcome aboard. You can set up a countdown clock at this site: Countdown Clock To add pictures to to this site: Animation Library. There may be an easier way to do this but you can click on the image that you want to use. When you get to the next page of the full image, put the cursor over the image, right click it, go to properties, then to Address (URL):, highlight the address with the left button of your mouse from "http://.. to the end of the address, usually it says "gif," press Ctrl "C" to copy. Go to your message on the board. Position the cursor where you want the image to appear and leave the "I-bar" there. Go just above the message window to the "IMG" radio button and press it. When the window opens, click on to the window and press Ctrl "V." Press the "OK" button and your image should be where you want it. You can test things out in the Testing forum to get some practice. Good luck. Someone may have an easier way of doing this. We look forward to being of assistance to you and you will be of assistance to us by posting information about your cruise experience or things you've heard about the cruise ship industry.
  13. Hi Longwait, Welcome aboard. You can set up a countdown clock at this site: Countdown Clock To add pictures to to this site: Animation Library. There may be an easier way to do this but you can click on the image that you want to use. When you get to the next page of the full image, put the cursor over the image, right click it, go to properties, then to Address (URL):, highlight the address with the left button of your mouse from "http://.. to the end of the address, usually it says "gif," press Ctrl "C" to copy. Go to your message on the board. Position the cursor where you want the image to appear and leave the "I-bar" there. Go just above the message window to the "IMG" radio button and press it. When the window opens, click on to the window and press Ctrl "V." Press the "OK" button and your image should be where you want it. You can test things out in the Testing forum to get some practice. Good luck. Someone may have an easier way of doing this. We look forward to being of assistance to you and you will be of assistance to us by posting information about your cruise experience or things you've heard about the cruise ship industry.
  14. Hi Longwait, Welcome aboard. You can set up a countdown clock at this site: Countdown Clock To add pictures to to this site: Animation Library. There may be an easier way to do this but you can click on the image that you want to use. When you get to the next page of the full image, put the cursor over the image, right click it, go to properties, then to Address (URL):, highlight the address with the left button of your mouse from "http://.. to the end of the address, usually it says "gif," press Ctrl "C" to copy. Go to your message on the board. Position the cursor where you want the image to appear and leave the "I-bar" there. Go just above the message window to the "IMG" radio button and press it. When the window opens, click on to the window and press Ctrl "V." Press the "OK" button and your image should be where you want it. You can test things out in the Testing forum to get some practice. Good luck. Someone may have an easier way of doing this. We look forward to being of assistance to you and you will be of assistance to us by posting information about your cruise experience or things you've heard about the cruise ship industry.
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