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Everything posted by Mebert

  1. Woooohooo, everybody! I finally confimed with DaCruzNut that I really did recieve my cruise document from Imperial Majesty Regal Empress. It was only one sheet of paper stating that my voyage was confirmed. So much was said with so little that I appreciate the simplity of it all. If it wasn't for DaCruzNut, I would have panicked waiting for luggage tags and a small booklet with information. DaCruzNut assured me that the single document was indeed my cruise document and that I had to go online to print my embarkation papers. O.K., it's time for me to do the cruise doc dance!
  2. Have a great cruise, jtutak, We'll keep the light on for you.
  3. hazelson, . I look forward to hearing about your cruise.
  4. DaCruzNut, That was a very interesting bit of history. Marketing the cruising concept seemed to be very difficult at first. If they knew then what we know now.
  5. Hey DaCruzNut, I really envy you and Lisa63 for having had the opportunity to sail on such a small cruise liner like the Dolphin IV. Based on your writing I can just imagine the food and the dessert room. BTW, what happened to Eddie and Millie? Were they able to catch up with the Dolphin IV? Did they get a flight to the next island?
  6. DaCruzNut, EasyCruise does look like the Staten Island Ferry from a distance and it offers the same amenities.
  7. Hey DaCruzNut, I'm sorry to chime in on your message to respond to GottaCruz. I'm dancing for you too. GottaCruz, My brother and his family live in St. Petersburg and I have loads of cousins in the Ft. Lauderdale, Weston, and Miami area, so I do get to Florida sometimes. I look forward to getting to the southeast coast to have a major CruiseCrazies convention with t-shirts and funny hats, like a family reunion. I do feel that I have gotten really close to you all. This is my favorite board. The more I read the messages the more I realize that there are others who love cruising and experience the same enthusiasm for the sea as I do. I also like the fact that I don't have to suffer alone when it comes to waiting for my next cruise. Now I have to go back and do the Doc Dance for DaCruzNut. :grin: :grin: :grin:
  8. I have to really think about EasyCruises. The purpose of my taking cruises is so I don't have to worry about finding someplace to eat, having my cabin cleaned and made up everyday, free chocolates on the pillow, waiter service, entertainment, options for wonderful land itineraries, 24 hour room service, lounges, gambling, 24 hour pizza and icecream, and the option to relax and have the whole ship to myself on shore days. I like having all of that for one fare and not having to travel ashore to search for it. I guess the concept is great for some folks, but I'm having difficulty understanding the attraction. Help me understand.
  9. Hey DaCruzNut, Congratulations! How come you get to do the Doc Dance before I do. I booked a while ago. :grin: I guess I'll just wait patiently. I look forward to meeting you.
  10. Thanks Dan and DaCruzNut, I knew I could count on the CruiseCrazies board to steer me right.
  11. Hey Cruisechic2005, I check out sites that have videos describing their cruise ships and life aboard. I also look through cruise magazines, order brochures from cruise lines and peruse them, and check CruiseCrazies everyday to see who else is going crazy with PCDS. :grin: I definitely get PCDS and have to withdraw slowly. :grin:
  12. Hi everybody, I agree with the article that Jason submitted and with DaCruzNut. I guess it's preaching to the converted. In addition to being a floating hotel and restaurant, one has the convenience of unpacking once and going to several different countries or cities. It's a great fun and even educational if one chooses. I find cruising to be quite a bargain.
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