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Everything posted by Mebert

  1. Thank you all for your comments. What is "freestyle."
  2. Thank you all for your comments. What is "freestyle."
  3. Welcome aboard Lacey, Come join us in the Where in the World are We game in the Off-Topic forum.
  4. Welcome aboard Kerry, Come join us in the Where in the World are We game in the Off-Topic forum.
  5. Hi Lisa63, I'm sorry to hear about your dental problems. I wish you a speedy recovery. It seems that many Cruise Crazies have much in common. We wanted to take the Carnival Fantasy to tie us over until August and we are sailing in the spring. What a coincidence. I hope you are able to go somewhere exciting and have a great time closer to home. As Cruise Crazies, we sometimes forget there are other things to do closer to home that can be very enjoyable. Have a good holiday.
  6. Welcome aboard, fritz. Come join us in the Where in the World are We Game on the Off-Topic Cruise Discussion.
  7. Welcome aboard, bpear1600. Come join us in the Where in the World are We Game on the Off-Topic Cruise Discussion.
  8. Welcome aboard, bill3333, Come join us in the Where in the World are We Game on the Off-Topic Cruise Discussion.
  9. Welcome aboard, tanlamb. Come join us in the Where in the World are We Game on the Off-Topic Cruise Discussion.
  10. I agree with you PEB. I intend to take the Norwegian Dawn out of New York one of these days and I was just wondering what type of experience to expect. I was hoping to stimulate some conversation and get some NCL defenders to encourage me to take an NCL cruise. I do respect the opinions of my buddies on Cruise Crazies, but in the end, if I want to go somewhere or try something, I will make the ultimate decision to go, good or bad. I will suffer the consequences for not listening and come back and affirm that the Cruise Crazies participants were right or that state honestly that despite this or that, I had a good time. I'm looking forward to hearing particularly about the Norwegian Dawn.
  11. Porthole Magazine just published their Readers' Choice Awards for several different categories on cruise ships, such as best food, best entertainment, best children's program, etc. Conspicuously missing from any category was Norwegian Cruise Lines. Why do you think that is? Do you think the ratings were fair or NCL passengers don't read Porthole Magazine?
  12. Jason, You sound like a Carnival person like I want to be. I've only been on one cruise so far, but I'm trying to get many more under my belt. I did the Carnival Destiny in the Southern Caribbean, which is a good first cruise because you can learn how to cruise and make forgivable mistakes because of the alternatives on the ship. I booked the next two cruises based on the great time I hand on the first one.
  13. I noticed that some of our members took back to back cruises within a short period of time on the same ship. Was the ship that exciting or were there special occasions that caused the second booking on the same ship within a few months? If the ship is that great it might be a really good hint for the rest of us. Of course, we'd ask you Cruise Crazies first.
  14. Thanks aliceunderground, I the next time I get to Aruba, I'll look up the Resort Divi Divi. I would love to dine in a room surrounded by an aquarium. Since I'm a vegetarian, I'd rather see fish than eat them. Thanks for the tip.
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