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Everything posted by Mebert

  1. Spikesgirl, You really have been to some exotic places. If you have time I would really like to hear about your cruise in southeast aisa, Australia and New Zealand. I don't know if I'll ever get there, but I can wish. Who knows, maybe you will entice me to make a major effort to get to asia and Down Under.
  2. txSherry, Welcome to Cruise Crazies. Believe it or not, after your first cruise you'll be an expert in the language of cruising. On Carnival it is sometimes difficult to have a leisurely disembarkation. You can't really sleep late because you have to exit the cabin so the steward can prepare it for the next passengers and the shops are usually closed when in port. Gregswife is right. We predict that you'll be disappointed that the cruise is over. The tags that Gregswife was referring to are luggage tags that are tied on to the handle of your luggage. The colors usually identify what part of the ship you were on and announcements are made using those colors to tell you when you can disembark. If you would like to have a leisurely time in the morning, let the crew take your large pieces of luggage off the ship and keep your bare essentials like personal items and medicaitons in a carryon that's easy for you to move around with. You can enjoy a leisurely breakfast and wait for your luggage tag color to be called. You can choose not to go at the time your color is called and disembark with another group, as long as your color was already called. The Conquest is a very beautiful ship. I'm positive you'll have a great time. Enjoy your cruise and let us know all about it.
  3. I used to travel with my godson from the time he was about 14 years old. I was like his surrogate father because he came from a fatherless home. We used to stay at my brothers house in Florida, traveled to L.A., San Francisco, Salt Lake City, New Orleans, Mobile, Houston, Reno, Las Vegas, and many local places near our home. I used to suggest certain adventures and let him choose what he wanted to do. If he couldn't make a decision, I would choose. He always seemed to be satisfied with the result. He seemed to just be happy visiting a new and unknown place and any thing that we did was a learning experience for him. One of the highlights of our traveling adventures was in Salt Lake City when a store clerk asked me if my godson was my son. I hemmed and hawed and said "No. He's my godson." When we got out of the store my godson said "When somebody asks you if I'm your son, say yes and be proud of it." That made my day. My godson is now 34 years old and a father and seems to be very experienced in traveling with his son. We have many fond memories and photographs as momentos of our quality time together. If she doesn't choose anything, choose something active and exciting, if you can stand it. She may just be happy to spend the time with you. The Louvre and Stonehenge sound like pretty good choices to me. You'll have a lot of time to spend with each other.
  4. Spikesgirl, Welcome to Cruise Crazies. I'm glad you could drop by but hope you choose to stay. I would love to hear about where you have cruised and about your cruise experiences.
  5. SMB, I've sailed out of New York City on the Carnival Legend. We visted Puerto Rico, St. Thomas and Tortola on an 8 day cruise. I really appreaciated the convenience of not having to fly and dealing with weight limits for the luggage and sailing from home and taking a taxi home after the cruise. The New York terminal is crowded and it helps to be in a special program like Concierge Class to beat the long lines.
  6. ColoradoSweetheart, I have said the Carnival Legend, but not that itinerary. I have been to Grand Cayman and Cozumel, but not to Belize/Costa Maya. Combining my two experiences, The Carnival Legend is a great ship with a wonderful crew. Grand Cayman is really expensive and I really enjoy Cozumel. I don't know much about Grand Cayman except I took one of those submarine rides and saw sealife and the sea bottom. In Cozumel I took cab to the main town and did some shopping. Cozumel has lots of shops and restaurants. I believe I passed a Senor Frogs there.
  7. The Skipper,[/size] Congratulations on receiving your docs. It won't be long now. O.K., it's time for the cruise doc dance![/size]
  8. If I could afford a luxury house, I would forego the luxury house and buy a modest house and use the rest to go on cruises.
  9. shipcafe, Welcome to Cruise Crazies. The Oceania Regatta looks like a very elegant ship.
  10. Have a great cruise, Cinnamon, We'll keep the light on for you.[/size]
  11. giggling, Welcome to CruiseCrazies! Post often and let us hear from you.
  12. geosgirl, Welcome to CruiseCrazies! Post often and let us hear from you.
  13. kay hi, Welcome to CruiseCrazies! Post often and let us hear from you.
  14. ctkgak, Welcome to CruiseCrazies! Post often and let us hear from you.
  15. Top, Welcome to CruiseCrazies! Post often and let us hear from you.
  16. twist47, Welcome to CruiseCrazies! Post often and let us hear from you.
  17. bill, Welcome to CruiseCrazies! Post often and let us hear from you.
  18. floridagrandma, Welcome to CruiseCrazies! Post often and let us hear from you.
  19. mooreno3put, Welcome to CruiseCrazies! Post often and let us hear from you.
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