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Everything posted by Mebert

  1. penny908, That's great news and you get an extra day to boot. I hope you have a wonderful time on the Spirit.
  2. I remember while walking around Cozumel I looking for a large supermarket, so approached a local and mustered up my best Spanish, which I don't speak at all and asked "Donde esta la marquetta grande?" He replied, "Do you mean the supermarket?" My traveling companion got a real chuckle out of that.
  3. losranchoslady, Bon Voyage and have a great cruise. May you have smooth sailing.[/size]
  4. abbywin, Bon Voyage and have a great cruise. May you have smooth sailing.[/size]
  5. Mizz_K, Bon Voyage and have a great cruise. May you have smooth sailing.[/size]
  6. sunshineangel 1977, to Cruise Crazies.
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