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Everything posted by Mebert

  1. SCIROCCO, I know too well how anticipation can cause us to lose track of time and space. :grin: :grin: :grin: I can't wait to party with you on Friday!
  2. I, for one, can't wait to get back to New Orleans. If the cruise lines have an interesting itinerary from that destination, I'm there. I would love to help contribute to the rebuilding of New Orleans by helping to increase it's tourist base. I would spend a few days in the city before I went off on a cruise.
  3. hazelson, What a great idea. Send that idea in to the IOC so they can get it in on time for the Olympics. I think all Cruise Crazies would qualify. :grin: :grin: :grin:
  4. zebra, Your description of the menu at the Horizon Court was mouth watering. I could just taste that chocolate bread pudding. Get me off this board and on a ship! :grin: :grin: :grin:
  5. Keith & Rita, Thanks for the additional information. It adds a little more for discussion but who knows what their history was before the cruise. Was there truly an affair going on or was it suspected because of alcohol? Was this woman aware of her husband and daughter having an affair before the cruise? Did she just discover that the affair was going on? It's so unfortunate that some people think so little of themselves that they don't think they should take care of themselves and leave a person who's been unfaithful. But it must me extremely difficult on a wronged person if a daughter is unfaithful with a stepfather. It's like losing two people in one's life that you thought loved you. When more information comes out I guess some of the questions will be answered.
  6. It seems that there's not enough information to know who did what when. I hope more detailed info comes out.
  7. Based on the article, it seems that the cruise lines need to upgrade the security on the ship to include personnel that can truly perform criminal investigations while the evidence is still available. They also need to improve protocol for handling reports of crimes during cruises. Being a male, I feel absolutely safe on the ship, however, I do take precautions to check in with my traveling companion when we do our separate things. I would imagine that the situation would be different for women when it comes to sexual crimes. I am assuming that most of the sexual crimes that occur on ships have women as victims. Something definitely has to be done about that to assure that women are more safe. Having said that, it still seems that a cruise vacation is still one of the safest vacations to be had.
  8. zebra, I can just imagine everything you're writing. What's up with the Splenda? I know someone who's going to be really upset if that happens on Carnival.
  9. sailingrose, Welcome back. I'm glad the food got better for you. Too bad you missed The Skipper.
  10. The Skipper, Thanks for checking in and enjoy your cruise.
  11. Janetran1, Welcome to CruiseCrazies! Post often and let us hear from you.
  12. rwams, I enjoyed seeing your photos. Thanks for sharing.
  13. The Skipper, I'm sorry to hear about your buddy. I'll add Dwight to my prayer list this evening. I hope he recovers from his sudden illness and continues to be able to be active.
  14. zebra, Your daily reports are like a virtual cruise. Is free internet standard on Princess? Do you have your own laptop or are you using the ship's facilities? It really sounds as if you are enjoying every single moment of your cruise. Be careful with those prescription drugs. I wonder if you can have one tested for free to make sure it has all of the necessary components to work. I've heard some stories about those drugs. I don't know if they're true. Aside from that, enjoy the rest of your cruise and I look forward to your next episode.
  15. If they use a cruise ship for the Olympians, it's time for me to try out for the Olympics. :grin: :grin:
  16. It's difficult to ask my opinion because I'd be willing to go on any cruise, anywhere, for however long. :grin: All jokes aside, that sounds like a great itinerary except for, like Keith & Rita said, the packing and unpacking and going through disembarkation and embarkation. Barring those items, it sounds like fun.
  17. I do sense that Bahamian Tourism is making a major effort to treat tourist well. On my last stay in Nassau it seemed like a land cruise. The merchants, taxi drivers and restauranteurs seemed to try to be really nice. I often long to go back to Nassau and get some of that same treatment. I agree with DaCruzNut about the opening of Cuba. I would love to visit Cuba only because it's been forbidden fruit for so long but I would still love to go back to the Bahamas.
  18. Joanandjoe, In a pinch you can get a great inexpensive tour of Sint Maartin from a taxi right outside the dock.
  19. cruiseduo, Congratulations! We're tearin' up the dance floor with you!
  20. The Skipper, Bon Voyage and have a great cruise. May you have smooth sailing. Enjoy! Have a drink on me!
  21. Peddler, Bon Voyage and have a great cruise. May you have smooth sailing. Enjoy! Have a drink on me!
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