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Everything posted by Mebert

  1. Joanandjoe, That sounds like a silver lining to me. Congratulations on your booking. That is one exciting itinerary. I'm sure you'll have everything together in three weeks. You're Cruise Crazies. It will be a piece of cake.
  2. vacation girl 1970, Bon Voyage and have a great cruise! May you have smooth sailing. I don't know where you're going, but you mentioned that you would be sailing on Thursday. Have fun![/size]
  3. Please accept my apologies. I just realized that I posted this in the wrong forum. GottaCruz, Is there any way to move this?
  4. GottaCruz, You're right about some of those jigsaw puzzle packages. One needs a Phd to repack some of those items. I posted the topic out of frustration and desparation. Joanandjoe, That is too funny!!! Keith & Rita, Make sure you keep that chainsaw. You're going to need it to open up the new things for the house. Make sure they don't shrink wrap the fine china. You'll have to use that chainsaw with the skill of a fine surgeon.
  5. Joanandjoe, It's good to see you posting again. Thanks for the tip on EasyJet. I've already purchased the transfers but it doesn't hurt to check for the next time, God willing.
  6. Denna Beana, Congratulations on your booking. Now we can countdown the days together.
  7. rogue, That was a very interesting article. There does seem to be a steady increase in people going overboard since 1997. It's also interesting that the chart starts at 2003, the year that I started cruising. Gregswife, Remember that Carnival has the largest number of ships out there. eagle_forest, I'm glad your story had a positive outcome, but it was scary. Has anyone heard from any of these people as to the cause of their going overboard?
  8. vacation girl 1970, I'm dancing with you. I love your classy image. Did you post your sailing on the calendar so we can give you a proper send off. Bon Voyage.
  9. It would be great to have more news for prevention's sake.
  10. There seems to be a string of stories about passengers falling overboard these days. Has this been going on in the past and the events just went unreported? Is it because so many more people are cruising these days? I've never heard so many stories about people going overboard until the past three years.
  11. Have a great cruise, Chrissy & Brandon, We'll keep the light on for you.[/size]
  12. Oh Boy! Those pictures are breathtaking. Denna Beana, Thanks for suggesting this thread.
  13. The latest is I broke a pair of scissors trying to get into one of those clear plastic toy containers. I think cans may be made slightly different too. There isn't as much lip on the can and the cheap can openers don't open them as easily. I dropped my electric can opener and broke it so I ran down to the local grocery store and purchased one of those cheap mechanical ones with the fancy handle. Well, it doesn't open the cans at all. The funny thing is I found a very old mechanical can opener in my utility drawer and it opened the can easily and perfectly. What's happening here? hazelson, You're too funny. I'll see you at the dentist.
  14. eagle_forest, zebra, jacketwatch, gymbrat33, vacation girl 1970, and hazelson, Thanks for the dance. vacation girl 1970, Welcome to Cruise Crazies. I am honored that your first post was one congratulating me on receiving my cruise docs.
  15. SMB, Thank you for the research. That route sounds like it's right up my alley. Unfortunately for me, I have non-refundable transfers. This information may help in the future or some other Cruise Crazies. You are one dedicated Cruise Crazies member. zebra, $500 for the day is a little steep for me. I'm used to paying that amount for a week in the U.S. I noticed that private car rentals in Europe are really expensive so I won't be doing that very much. The trains seem to be a real bargain but one has to leave early to make it back to the ship.
  16. Jason, Thanks for the info. The Destiny has a nice itinerary, but it's not dramatically new. St. Thomas, Barbados and Dominica have been on its itinerary for a little while now. I was hoping the new itinerary would include St. Lucia and Antiga with maybe a stop in Labadee.
  17. jacketwatch, You are absolutely right. I fell into that trap of being pulled into a news story that offers sketchy information and not complete info. There was a man on the Morning Show this morning who was recued after 17 hours in the water. I wonder if it's the same man. He said he thinks that his drink was drugged.
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