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Everything posted by Mebert

  1. barsby, Welcome to CruiseCrazies! Post often and let us hear from you.
  2. iamboatman, Welcome to CruiseCrazies! Post often and let us hear from you.
  3. sali, Welcome to CruiseCrazies! Post often and let us hear from you.
  4. legend213, Welcome to CruiseCrazies! Post often and let us hear from you.
  5. nanapinky, Welcome to CruiseCrazies! Post often and let us hear from you.
  6. jacketwatch, No arguement here. I'm just saying responsible drinking means that one is aware of things like meds one is taking and refrains from mixing it with alcohol. I'm not exactly sure of the man's circumstances or if there were warnings on the drug's container. Perhaps a few people are at fault if there were no warnings on the drugs about the interaction of the drug and alcohol.
  7. I just checked the exchange rate for Euros from U.S. Dollars. It's about 75 cents to the Euro and the units are like dollars in Europe. In other words a cap that you would buy for $10 US is 10 Euros in Europe, actually costing the U.S. consumer a little over $13 US. On big ticket items this will really add up. That means 100 Euros will cost over $130 and 1000 Euros will cost $1300. My transfers from Rome to Civitavecchia are actually costing about 225 Euros or about 56 Euros each way. I guess in Europe it doesn't look as expensive.
  8. Denna Beana, Thanks for the great pics. That's a beautiful and interesting effect with the silhouetted lampposts against the ship.
  9. Rat, I'm beginning to realize that I may protest too much. The $300 round trip bus ride just seemed a wee bit expensive by U.S. Standards. It also used to be such a bargain to travel in Europe. I hope those days come back soon.
  10. CruisinKat70, to Cruise Crazies. You must be very special because you were welcomed twice at the exact same time. We look forward to hearing from you.
  11. CruisinKat70, to Cruise Crazies. You must be very special because you were welcomed twice at the exact same time. We look forward to hearing from you.
  12. GottaCruz, I think, any time now, you're going to write something in the thread about your DD. She has great parents. She'll eventually get the message and come around. Keep the structure, be patient and hang in there. She'll thank you for sticking to your guns later.
  13. Katie12, Welcome to CruiseCrazies! Post often and let us hear from you.
  14. eagle_forest, Congratulations! We're doing the doc dance with you![/size]
  15. rogue, cruisetarp, JoeyandDavid, mercedes, Gregswife, sailingrose, Keith & Rita, and Peddler, Thanks for the run on the floor. I think I'll be dancing until the day of the cruise.
  16. SMB, I agree with you about public transportation in Europe. I've taken the train on several occasions. The cruiseline discourages the use of public transportation to far away places because the say it's unreliable. But I take a chance anyway. I got from Cannes to Monte Carlo by train for far less than the cruise line excursion. I saw several fellow passengers in town while I was there. I just made sure to leave extra early to make it back to the ship. In the case of the airport to pier transfers, we're sort of captive because there is no public transportation from the airport to the pier. The is a train that goes to Civitavecchia but it doesn't go anywhere near the pier and cabs from the station are difficult to come by. If Carnival keeps sailing from Civitavecchia, perhaps they will eventually find a less expensive carrier for transfers.
  17. hazelson, btate, Denna Beana, and Friendship Teacher, I didn't see him on GMA, but I agree with you all. It's such a strange spin to make this man's irresponsible drinking heroic. It was extremely inconvenient for the other passengers and it must have been nerve racking for the crew. It can't imagine being responsible for a ship when something like that happens. I'm glad he was saved but the cruiseline should sue him. This should be a lesson to him to moderate his drinking. I must add a disclaimer in that I've commented on all of this without knowing all of the facts. But if the drinking story holds up, I'm sticking with the way I feel.
  18. We're doing the cruise doc dance!!!! Our docs came in yesterday. I'm breathless and my heart is pounding even faste from doing cartwheels, not! Come on and dance with me![/size]
  19. It sounds like they may be a wee bit inconsistent with their policy. When Carnival talks about non-alcoholic beverages, I take water on the ship all the time because the charge be bottled water is so outrageous. The last time I did it was in August.
  20. Wendy2, Bon Voyage and have a great cruise. May you have smooth sailing.[/size]
  21. sewut51, Congratulations on your booking. It looks like you're enjoying the anticipation.
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