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Everything posted by sailingrose

  1. LOL Guess your doing something to pass the time........Thanks
  2. Camp Marydale in Nyack NY while I was growing up. Then when we got married and had kids Central Florida to visit my parents. Now we live in Central Florida and vacation by ship. Can't remember any other way to do vacation anymore.
  3. I heard it through the Grapevine. The winetenders on the Mariner dance to it several times during the cruise right in the middle of the promenade! I heard it today and it brought a smile to my face.
  4. I love a balcony! In Alaska they are wonderful especially if you love the scenery, but $1,200 is a lot of money. Would the extra interfere with your choice of shore excursions? Our favorite excursions are pretty expensive and I'm not sure it would be worth it to us to give them up. Which ship? Some of the ships have so much glass that a good view is available almost everywhere on the ship.
  5. I love a balcony! In Alaska they are wonderful especially if you love the scenery, but $1,200 is a lot of money. Would the extra interfere with your choice of shore excursions? Our favorite excursions are pretty expensive and I'm not sure it would be worth it to us to give them up. Which ship? Some of the ships have so much glass that a good view is available almost everywhere on the ship.
  6. I have been told by several crew members that they auto tipping takes at least 2 weeks until they see the money, sometimes longer. That could be an inconvenience for some of the crew who have families counting on that money. Guess I'll adjust as it seems like everyone will be going that way soon but I'll always give the extra $$$ in cash.
  7. Wow! Wish I could join you but I'll be sailing Christmas. That's a wonderful price drop!
  8. 1984 My honeymoon on Chandris's (now X) Victoria.
  9. Woo Hoo! Congrats on the docs!
  10. Those lovely lay around a rest/read kind of days.......Sea Days of course!
  11. I guess our biggest expense is gambling. We usually book shore excursions prior to sailing or independently so those are usually paid for in advance or charged when we get to our tour. If your asking about ports only a typical beach/shopping trip for us with taxi would be under $100.00.
  12. My DH isn't a pool person so a lounge chair in the shade is his thing. I pretty much go with flow.
  13. Yummy! Hot Chocolate and Bailey's one of my favorites especially on a cool morning....... Welcome home glad to hear you had a good time.
  14. In Labadee I bought a plaque for the wall (I collect things to hang on the wall in our front room, fills in lots of space with those vaulted walls), in Cozumel a silver butterfly, and in Jamaica coffee and coffee liquer! Yummy! Mostly just bring back something for the wall and refrigerator magnets.
  15. Excellent advice Lisa! My poor son took the non-drowsy meds and he slept like a baby the entire day. Guess everyone is different. Neither my DH or myself have ever had a seasick moment so we're fortunate. My daughter only once and that was because we had a forward inside cabin. Boy that ship sure rocked pretty well. My son swears by ginger ale and ginger snap cookies. We never sail with him without them.
  16. Cruise Director because I love to meet new people. I'm sure it has plenty of headaches too but it looks like fun.
  17. So glad that things are finally falling into place for you Jeff. Out with the old and in with the new! Congrats!
  18. We usually travel with at least one child so we usually ask for a table of 8-10. Has always worked pretty well. We had a table for 12 one Christmas cruise and it worked perfect. Parents with 2 kids sailing with 1 set of Grandparents. We all got along splendidly and our kids are still friends 4 years later.
  19. Bon Voyage Sailinglisa. Have a wonderful time!
  20. I love Alaska and have been 3 times. Always up for another one of course. The best feeling was landing on a small island in Misty Fjords (by floatplane) and enjoying the serenity. Mountains all around!
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