Bon Voyage Starz62 - hope you have a great cruise on the Fascination. Please come back here and submit a review when you return.
Wishing you blue skies and calm seas.[/size]
Welcome fltransfer - it's great having you with us. Please make yourself comfortable and jump right in and begin posting. We look forward to hearing from you often.
KimmyKat - it's finally time for your 25th Anniversary cruise. I hope you and Greg have a wonderful time. Please come back and submit a review so we may hear all about it.
Wishing you blue skies and calm seas.[/size]
Corinny - enjoy your 10th Anniversary cruise on the Carnival Valor. Please post a review when you return - we'd all love to hear all about it.
Wishing you blue skies and calm seas.[/size]
Joey - As a platinum C & A member you are also entitled to a discount on a balcony cabin if you wanted to upgrade to one. The amount varies by the length of the cruise.
abitagirl916 - it's nearly time for your cruise on the Disney Magic. Hope you have a great time. Please submit a review when you return so we may hear all about your trip
Wishing you blue skies and calm seas.[/size]
Welcome kishacole - it's great to have you with us. Please make yourself comfortable, begin posting and become an active member of our Cruise Crazies family
Joey - the private departure lounges vary greatly from port to port but you should definately have a seperate room with juice and cookies while you wait to board. There generally is little or no line and check-in is much faster. Enjoy!!