I voted just to sit and watch. I could sit on our balcony all day long and watch the ocean. I wouldn't miss all the games and planned activities at all. For a change of pace, when I got off the balcony, some good food followed by a little time in the Casino would complete my day.
Bon Voyage Howard & Pat. Hope you have a great cruise on the MSC Lirica. We look forward to hearing all about it when you return.
Wishing you blue skies and calm seas.
Saltydog - Have a great cruise on the Maasdam and please don't forget to come back here with a review for all of us left behind.
Wishing you blue skies and calm seas.
Joey - I really enjoyed reading your review. Thanks for giving us your thoughts on this cruise. I'm glad the fruit fly problem was worked out and Celebrity was helpful in any problems you might have had.
Bon Voyage JoanandJoe....Here's hoping you have a wonderful cruise on the Noordam (and a very happy birthday Joan). Please be sure to give us your review when you return.
Wishing you blue skies and calm seas.
Bon Voyage CMan - hope you have a great cruise on the Navigator. Please come back here and give us your review of your trip.
Wishing you blue skies and calm seas.
DebbieLynn....Welcome to Cruise Crazies - the friendliest cruise site on the web.
Sorry we won't be sailing with you but wanted to congratulate you on your degree. Enjoy your cruise and make sure you post it on our calendar here so we can give you a proper send-off.
Jeff - hope you and Brownie have a great cruise on the Regal Empress. Sometimes last minute plans work out best. We look forward to hearing all about it when you return.
Wishing you blue skies and calm seas.
I really enjoyed reading your mini review Joey. It sounds like you had a wonderful time despite the fruit flies. I'm very happy they took care of the problem for you.