Went to a market research at SeaWorld and got paid $85.
There are 2 groups..or maybe more. but 2 that call me...BArbar Nolan Research and Scheslinger Associates. They both do market research for new products or commercials about to be aired. I have done it for radio stations, Red Lobster,Brighthouse Networks and now Anhueser-Busch.
They will be having 2 new products coming out......
Pestalozza...named after the street where the original A-B was in St Louis.
Bistro 8 some concoction featuring 8 different things...grains and such.
Both tasted weak. They were carbonated. Light color, More in the form of a weak carbonated wine cooler or shamapgne. Women may like it more than men.
The ordeal was kinda cool though....I arrived about 4pm. Sat in an outdoor pavillion for a while and they gave us water......Then they moved us to a small ballroom type thing, like in a hotel where you might attend a wedding reception. There, we tasted a new beverage, a wine and a beer. gave a brief survey of how we liked it....and then moved us to another ballroom, for a happy hour type of thing. They had a good buffett type thing, again like a edding....lol...and a bar where we could order these beverages....limit was 3 . i found out trying to get my 4th.....lol...
Then we got paid $75 and an extra 10 for whoever dropped us off, because they provided us with a taxi ride home. As the taxi driver was taking me home and i saw the meter running, i asked him how he gets paid for this...lol...he turns in a voucher later.....wwwwoooo wwweee...i thought for a minute i had to pay...lol....as he pulls up, the meter read $48.50....dang...i slip the guy a 10 spot and thank him. Oh you are too generous sir....ah no problem mon !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :grin: :grin: