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Everything posted by TheSkipper

  1. A new Cruise Review is now available: Ship Name: Carnival Valor Sailing date: 5/17/09 Author: The Skipper View Review
  2. TheSkipper


  3. Click here to view the cruise review
  4. Thanks everyone. One more sleep and we are out of here! I'm packed and my bag weighs in at 41 lbs, so I'm good to go. Roe is in the bedroom trying stuff on again!! Steve, I'll try and not show my let down after the reunion when there is only the cruise to look forward to.
  5. A cruise is a cruise no matter where it goes - you still get treated like royalty, no beds to make, no dishes to wash VBG Jenn that covers Hugh's cruising benefits, but what about you?? Never mind. I remember . . . And these are just your Cabin Stewart's!!
  6. Down to SDM status. Now, it is starting to feel like we are going on a cruise!! Suitcases coming out tomorrow.
  7. You have to be careful Larry. I did my first three or four cruises with another couple and later married the other gal!!
  8. Which begs the question: "Why isn't it a 7 nighter?" Might be because in a given season they will have more "turns". Which may involve more "on board" revenue. Perhaps their data shows that during the first five days everyone has pretty much spent what they are going to spend, so lets get them off and bring some newbies aboard.
  9. Larry, I like Joey's suggestion, except I don't know if I'd make any reference to 2011. We have the same problem with both of Roe's sisters. One just a pain in the A.. on a cruise, nothing suits her. And the others husband is so "hyper" he drives everyone around him crazy. So, we simply have not included either couple in any of our cruises in the last couple of years. The question of "Why" has not come up yet, but I'm sure it will someday.
  10. It appears from the Carnival Website that they are making decisions on a week to week basis. Everything in Mexico canceled through May 11th as of this morning. This is for ALL of Mexico sailing from both East and West coasts of the U.S.
  11. Congrat, should be a fantastic cruise. BTW, we live in Las Vegas and it is a heck of a long way to any ship!! But, we have never let that stop us.
  12. Joey: Always glad to help!! I've got your back.
  13. Joey: Never fear The Skipper is here! Not much I have not done over the years ! Forget the printer bag tags and get the good old fashioned type from your porter when you arrive at the pier. They carry all of them in their carts. Tell him your stateroom number and watch him attach the tags and you are good to go!! Now, wasn't that easy?? This is exactly what Roe and I are doing on our upcoming Valor cruise and we have done it several times in the past. Did the printed luggage tags once and they are more trouble than they are worth.
  14. I agree the article is a "crock." I've never had a problem saying no on a cruise ship and if somthings costs more than I think it is worth, I don't buy it. What a concept. Agree with Jim, all the way.
  15. Looks like we are going to Key West instead of Cozumel. Thanks, Carnival. And, you don't owe us a thing. The cruise lines did not create or cause Swine Flu, but they are doing the smart thing, at least Carnival is. If we were sailing from the West Coast, I'd take the full credit and sail later.
  16. Let's see if I can get this picture up. It is more what I had in mind. Steve: I'll stand the first watch with this little number. And, I'll bet Andrea and Cheryl would have a blast with it. No pun intended.
  17. I'm with you Steve. One good shooter with a Barrett .50 caliber, belt fed machine gun, could play havoc on six guys in a speed boat. Here's an idea, give a free cruise on each sailing to a retired green-beanie or Marine recon and you've got your gun locked and loade3d for next to nothing. This is not a belt fed, but it will give you an idea of what I'm talking about. Effective kill range is over one mile, through armor. Hooorah.
  18. We are watching this very closely since we will be in Mexico in a very few weeks. Think Cozumel might be just a day to stay on board the ship. Been their many times so it is not great loss. Like Joey, I don't think the cruise lines are going to enter a port where flu activity is present. They have worked very hard to control this type of thing all the ships. Don't see them "inviting" it on board.
  19. I voted no. But, that having been said, a very good friend of mine spent about two years teaching computer classes aboard ship for Princess. He got to take his wife along and the two of them really saw the world. They would be gone for about three months, then home for a month or so and off to sea again.
  20. Jackie and Tony: Welcome to our side of the country. Hope you love the Mariner. Will be looking for you review since we are booked on her in October.
  21. Jackie and Joey: You are both right about flying out of Venice. Did it once and doubt we would do it again. Hopefully flying inbound will not be as stressful. Still hoping to hear from someone who has embarked there. Later
  22. Ed: The photographers and bar tenders love me. Andrea: Thanks. That's what I meant. My problem is, once the pictures are taken, I have a hard time leaving any of them behind. Kevin: I'm sure they are!! Do you give them advance notice so they can stock up on photo paper??
  23. Joey, I think you are correct about being separated by glass from the sea.
  24. Just wondering if any of you Crazies have embarked on a cruise in Venice?? Curious what you experience was like. We have disembarked in Venice and visited Venice while cruising, but so far have not embarked there. Thanks,
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