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Everything posted by TheSkipper

  1. As you already have discovered, we will be on board with you on this sailing Just PM'd you with our Stateroom number. Can't help you with these ports. With the exception of Rome we have not been to any of these. Were in Rome last spring, sailed out of there aboard the Legend of the Seas and flew home out of the Rome airport. Spent a couple days there pre-cruise there. That was our third time in Rome. This time we will be going straight to the airport and flying back to Las Vegas after the cruise. Which ships have you sailed on for your previous two cruises?? See you on board.
  2. Joey, What the heck, it may be an old post, but we all may learn something. We got and ipod about a year ago and I take it with two sets of earphones to listen to audio books on the planes and in the cabin. Also take lots of real music on it. I purchased a very small set of portable speakers by Philips which I take along and get very good sound reproduction in the cabin. And, they come with very good directions. Mine really is not an Ipod but a Zen Vision M with a 30GB hardrive. If you can get on the CruiseCrazies site you can figure out an MP3 player. BTW, mine also hold video and I've been know to connect it to the TV in a hotel room and watch a flick.
  3. You bet, every flipping night. I liked it.
  4. Almost forgot. Met Dolly Parton at London's Heathrow airport. She is really short. Five feet, nothing. She was surrounded by about 25 wig cases. She had done a command performance for the Queen the night before. With her being as short as she is compared to the size of her other assets it's a wonder she does not tip forward and fall on her face!! But, then again we were talking about cruises.
  5. Joey, Was Soupy on his way to the movies?? We sailed with the entire cast from "The Nanny" aboard Celebrity's Century. They filmed an episode aboard. Had breakfast at DFW with Lee Greenwood on my way to a cruise years ago. He even picked up the tab.
  6. So, what else is new?? I think we all knew this was coming. The Emerald should be great we loved her sister ship the Diamond Princess.
  7. [/size]Question of the day Have you ever sailed aboard a ship and met or seen a "celebrity" on board??
  8. We have not visited St. Lucia as yet. Always good to have something to look forward to.
  9. Steve and Rose: OK, now I understand. We sailed from there this time last year and agree it is an easy port except it is so far from the Orlando airport, which meant we had to rent a car (there were four of us) to get both to and from the ship, drop the car off in town and take the car rental shuttle to the ship and that made it a pain in the butt. For us I prefer Lauderdale and the short cab ride from the airport to the ship. Heading to Miami in two weeks, but over nighting in the Airport Wyndam and then have ship transfers, but still not wild about the Port of Miami. But, I do understand why PC works so well for both of you. Thanks for your input.
  10. Welcome to CC. Will not make it to mainland France this year but will have a stop in Corsica aboard the Azamara Quest. I wonder if I can find some Mephisto Shoes there?? Love them. They have been my favorite travel shoes for years. I'm sure you will enjoy the Panama Canal.
  11. January is also one of the least expensive times of the year to cruise.
  12. Thanks for the review, Jim. Sounds like you had a great time. But then how can you not have a great time on a cruise???
  13. Joey, Probably. Our choice would be Princess or Celebrity. RCI would be our last choice but not a deal breaker. Also throw into the mix what kind of deal the TA can make for us.
  14. Hey Steve: Just curious, what make PC your favorite port??
  15. Unless there is really something to see, like the Panama Canal or an area of the world where we have not sailed, we have no problem with an inside cabin. It's all about the deal for us. More cruises are better!! On a lot of the cruise lines we sail the insides are the same size as the OV's. Just get me on the ship.
  16. Congratulations on your new Celebrity booking. We did that run aboard the Celebrity Infinity a couple of years ago. I'm sure you will love it.
  17. We tend to let the rush go ahead of us. Unless it is a port with very limited time. On most cruise lines we have Priority Tender Boarding or Disembarkation, so don't need to go some place for tender tickets, etc. Of course, if we are on an excursion that makes the decision for us.
  18. Thanks Ray, I've been waiting for your review as you know. Thinking of this ship for our next group cruise, but I have seen some less than reviews regarding the food and the last thing I want to do is have 50 0r 60 people on my case for less than good food. Your review makes me feel better about the Ryndam. So, it is still in the running along with the Princess ship out of San Pedro. Will let you know when I finally make a selection.
  19. I love the idea that on our upcoming Azamara cruise the tips are pre-paid.
  20. Well, Joey, I guess we hang up December. We have sailed in December and it does make for a hectic month and holiday season, so we now try to avoid it.
  21. I tend to think that they should get their act together before adding new amenities. I still like to feel I'm on a ship not at Disneyland. But, I also understand that the lines are aways looking for new profit centers which leads to a lot of these new "amenities." Interesting question.
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