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Everything posted by rogue

  1. Hello all of you Crazies. I'm at work. Talk to you later.
  2. Welcome to CruiseCrazies, mishiania!! It's great having you with us. Please post often.
  3. Welcome to CruiseCrazies, jimpatcoogan!! It's great having you with us. Please post often.
  4. Welcome to CruiseCrazies, Hummergirl!! It's great having you with us. Please post often.
  5. Welcome to CruiseCrazies, Roel!! It's great having you with us. Please post often.
  6. BON VOYAGE, daniel!! Have a terrific cruise!
  7. Welcome to CruiseCrazies, TheHappyWanderers!! It's great having you with us. Please post often.
  8. Welcome to CruiseCrazies, SueW!! It's great having you with us. Please post often.
  9. Welcome to CruiseCrazies, trishinal!! It's great having you with us. Please post often.
  10. Welcome to CruiseCrazies, djmike83!! It's great having you with us. Please post often.
  11. Welcome to CruiseCrazies, briansnel!! It's great having you with us. Please post often.
  12. I prefer fall, with spring a close 2nd. Less children and better pricing is the reason.
  13. does my math look right to you howard? The math does look good to me, Joey.
  14. Played a few times on our first couple of cruises, But we haven't played for years now. I don't see us starting up again soon.
  15. Crude went over $65 per barrel today. On our cruise in Nov, we started with a surcharge. When they took it off, they did tell us that it may be reinstated. If our final payment was made, they may have a more difficult time collecting.
  16. I would go with the earlier flight. It probably will not be a problem.
  17. we will hold dinner for you and Cindy! We appreciate that. I have been checking about every six weeks.
  18. I just checked my flights for the cruise, and found out that the Flight to Mimi on Nov 8 was changed for the 2nd time. We're now getting in 3:40. If they keep changing it, We're miss dinner. Another change, and we'll have to make new arrangements.
  19. so there is a st johns that in antigua? The one in Antigua is where we'll dock. The one in USVI is another island. Most of it is a national park. It is really a beautiful island.
  20. sorry, double post (but it does get us that much closer to the top 10).
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