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Everything posted by rogue

  1. I've never taken a cruise to nowhere, but would love to some day. Can't make this one. Enjoy!
  2. The 2nd sea day after we leave Miami shouldn't be a formal night. We could consider that night if people don't want to miss formal night.
  3. you mean like ....maybe new CruiseCrazie® posting records? Now, that may be a bit difficult. We still need about 9000 posts. are you forgetting Andrea? Now, how can I possibly forget Andrea?
  4. you mean like ....maybe new CruiseCrazie® posting records? Now, that may be a bit difficult. We still need about 9000 posts. That works out to less that 50 posts a day. That is not impossible considering that there are quite a few group members who are a bit loquacious. I can see us breaking that record. On the other hand, we're only about 5500 views away from the record. That will be blown away.
  5. I've looked at other Roll Calls, and ours looks like the "Craziest "group of people (of course, I may be a bit prejudice). We're just under 200 days, and the thread is quite active. I could just imagine what it will be like when we get close.
  6. Welcome to CruiseCrazies, 3blessings!! It's great having you with us. Please post often.
  7. BON VOYAGE, Schwartz!! Have a terrific cruise!
  8. Welcome to CruiseCrazies, white903!! It's great having you with us. Please post often.
  9. Welcome to CruiseCrazies, dakacz!! It's great having you with us. Please post often.
  10. Welcome to CruiseCrazies, darrah!! It's great having you with us. Please post often.
  11. BON VOYAGE, gritz25!! Have a terrific cruise!
  12. I've heard nothing at all about cancellation. I tried googling Alaska cruise cancellations, and came up with absolutely nothing. If you've seen anything on other boards, just be aware that there are lots of people who make up stories just to scare people.
  13. Let us know if it gets deleted... Not yet, but someone actually responded after I put a comment on their board one other time.
  14. BON VOYAGE, Jackie & Tony!! Have a terrific cruise!
  15. BON VOYAGE, JANNIEBABE!! Have a terrific cruise!
  16. BON VOYAGE, susuw!! Have a terrific cruise!
  17. If everyone wants to blame the cruiselines for all of their own problems, we will not be cruising much longer because there will be no cruiselines left. Cruiselines don't bring norovirus on board to infect the passengers. The chances are overwhelming that one of the passengers brought it on with them. The chances that one of the crew picked it up while off the ship are very small indeed. To blame the lines and expect compensation, in my mind, is ridiculous. I've read lots of Chris Elliott's articles, and most of them are at worst totally illogical, or at best, self-serving. I subscribe to Tripso (Elliot writes for them)and in yesterday's issue he had an article about ways to screw the cruiselines because they nickle-and-dime you. I did put a comment on their board as to how foolish the article seemed.
  18. They say that there's a corkage fee if you bring the bottle to the dining room. What would happen if you poured a glass of wine in your cabin and carried it into the dining room? How would they know whether you got it at one of the bars or not?
  19. Welcome to CruiseCrazies, rokijames!! It's great having you with us. Please post often.
  20. Welcome to CruiseCrazies, cruisesbygidget!! It's great having you with us. Please post often.
  21. We usually wait till we're on board to decide how we'll get to the airport. It usually ends up with a cruiseline transfer. Can you purchase the transfer while you're on the ship? Thanks for your help guys! We've never been on Celebrity, but we were able to on both Princess and HAL.
  22. We usually wait till we're on board to decide how we'll get to the airport. It usually ends up with a cruiseline transfer.
  23. Sounds like a great cruise. Congrats on the triple stack.
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