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Everything posted by rogue

  1. BON VOYAGE, Tonia!! Have a terrific cruise!
  2. BON VOYAGE, BulldogCruiser!! Have a terrific cruise!
  3. The ships on Carnival are certainly more glitzy than on Princess. The lounges may be a bit livelier at night, but that probably depends on the ship and the passengers on that particular cruise. I find that the food is pretty equivalent. Princess controls the teens better than Carnival. I find the excursions just about the same. The service on both of these lines are pretty equivalent, maybe Princess has it by a bit, but not much. I think that if you ask a Carnival devotee which is better, he say "Carnival", and vice versa for a Princess devotee. Personally, I would rather be on Princess, but I'm not against going on Carnival again.
  4. Welcome to CruiseCrazies, grkc!! It's great having you with us. Please post often.
  5. Welcome to CruiseCrazies, guttenl!! It's great having you with us. Please post often.
  6. Welcome to CruiseCrazies, a6a17393!! It's great having you with us. Please post often.
  7. BON VOYAGE, lajim1030!! Have a terrific cruise!
  8. BON VOYAGE, linjensen!! Have a terrific cruise!
  9. BON VOYAGE, cruisinbill!! Have a terrific cruise!
  10. Welcome to CruiseCrazies, Buddy!! It's great having you with us. Please post often.
  11. Welcome to CruiseCrazies, sheila!! It's great having you with us. Please post often.
  12. BON VOYAGE, thompson102205!! Have a terrific cruise!
  13. We haven't been to most of the ports, so I'm looking forward to hearing the other opinions also. No food restrictions for us.
  14. Here's my latest picture. How's it look?
  15. BON VOYAGE, CandyBrock!! Have a terrific cruise!
  16. Thanks, Keith. I never thought of that. :laugh:
  17. Welcome to CruiseCrazies, rubsta!! It's great having you with us. Please post often.
  18. BON VOYAGE, kruzn1!! Have a terrific cruise!
  19. BON VOYAGE, janusblack!! Have a terrific cruise!
  20. BON VOYAGE, honestokie!! Have a terrific cruise!
  21. BON VOYAGE, mecat222!! Have a terrific cruise!
  22. BON VOYAGE, Legend!! Have a terrific cruise!
  23. Welcome to CruiseCrazies, Turtlesfly!! It's great having you with us. Please post often.
  24. Probably even some uninquiring minds.
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