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Everything posted by rogue

  1. Welcome to CruiseCrazies, joephine13!! It's great having you with us. Please post often.
  2. Welcome to CruiseCrazies, ArubaRiba!! [/size]
  3. Welcome to CruiseCrazies, joannem66!! It's great having you with us. Please post often.
  4. Welcome to CruiseCrazies, paskyhawk!! It's great having you with us. Please post often.
  5. Welcome to CruiseCrazies, Jopohawk!! It's great having you with us. Please post often.
  6. Welcome to CruiseCrazies, Saboo!! It's great having you with us. Please post often.
  7. Welcome to CruiseCrazies, Nell!! It's great having you with us. Please post often.
  8. Welcome to CruiseCrazies, OKCBigEasy!! It's great having you with us. Please post often.
  9. I'll be there in spirit. Have a drink for me. Enjoy!
  10. Welcome home, Keith & Rita. This is just an alternate reality. Everything is relative.
  11. Welcome to CruiseCrazies, traveltheworld!! It's great having you with us. Please post often.
  12. BON VOYAGE, Maria and Ken!! [/size]
  13. BON VOYAGE, Chris and Karen!! [/size]
  14. Welcome to CruiseCrazies, shatkila!! It's great having you with us. Please post often.
  15. Welcome to CruiseCrazies, NightOwl!! It's great having you with us. Please post often.
  16. Congratulations on the upgrade and getting your docs, Harry. We're dancin' with ya.
  17. Welcome back. I'm stillhaving some problems from home. I can get in from here at work.
  18. We have one planned for May, but nothing else as of today. We're probably going to book one for May, 2008 next week. We have it all picked out. This will be the first time that we're stacked.
  19. We like to be up high, and toward mid-ship, but will take a forward or aft cabin. Being toward the center of the ship gives us a little less walking. The only thing we need without any compromise, is a balcony. The biggest problem with having a cabin toward the top is having to walk up quite a few stairs to get back to your cabin after the Life-Boat Drill.
  20. Welcome to CruiseCrazies, Cruisekrazy63!! It's great having you with us. Please post often.
  21. Welcome to CruiseCrazies, debg917!! It's great having you with us. Please post often.
  22. Welcome to CruiseCrazies, shipmaster!! It's great having you with us. Please post often.
  23. We've done Carnival x 2, RCCL x 2, and Princessx 2 , and our upcoming cruise will be on HAL. Years ago, I sail on an Italian Cruise Line ship, the Leonardo Da Vinci.
  24. Welcome to CruiseCrazies, nanabug!! It's great having you with us. Please post often.
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