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Everything posted by rogue

  1. That's always a great milepost in the seemingly endless wait. Congrats. Now you can really see the progress. :grin:
  2. Welcome to CruiseCrazies, terumim!! It's great having you with us. Please post often. :grin:
  3. From our last cruise on the Explorer of the Seas.
  4. We picked up our docs today from our TA. They came at a time when work has been incredibly busy. I can now look at the docs every day, and dream about the day that I can rip out the vouchers and give them to someone. One month from today. :grin: :grin: :grin:
  5. For us, it would also be Alaska. The sights there are so incredibly foreign to our senses that we were amazed throughout the whole cruise. :shocked:
  6. Welcome to CruiseCrazies, Mike & Margaret!! It's great having you with us. Please post often. :grin:
  7. I still have mine from our last cruise. It will go up 1st thing when we get on the ship. It does make it easier to find our cabin. :wink:
  8. Our land-based vacations all seem to be to visit reletives in Florida. It gives me a chance to play some golf in the winter. :grin:
  9. Mary Lou, thanks for the nice review. We saile d on the Explorer last April, and thought that the crew was one of the friendliest and happiest that we have seen. We loved it also. Glad you had a great cruise. :grin:
  10. I'm pretty easy to satisfy on a cruise. Just get me out on the ocean and I'll be happy and relaxed. My wife, on the other hand, would never consider sailing without having a balcony. Don't get me wrong, I love having a balcony, but if anyone wants to buy me a cruise in an inside cabin, I won't complain. :grin:
  11. Gymbrat, congratulations on booking the cruise. Bon Voyage!
  12. Welcome to CruiseCrazies, craftinmom!! It's great having you with us. Please post often. :grin:
  13. Welcome to CruiseCrazies, chachabell!! It's great having you with us. Please post often. :grin:
  14. Thanks formthe great list, Andrew. I'm sure there are a few that I'll start using. :smiley:
  15. The one cruise that we really want to do is to cruise Hawaii. We are now just starting the planning process for, hopefully, next year. Other than that, I honestly don't care where I cruise. :grin:
  16. Congratulations on geting your docs! It's just around the corner now. :grin:
  17. Welcome to CruiseCrazies, Love2Travel!! It's great having you with us. Please post often. :grin:
  18. Welcome to CruiseCrazies, Swiper!! It's great having you with us. Please post often. :grin:
  19. We sailed over July 4th, and saw tons of whales. We were told they would be around until about September.
  20. The sea days are, by far, the best part of the cruise. I can sit for hours staring out at the ocean. It's the most relaxing experience I have found in my life. The ports are secondary, so I usually don't care where I cruise. People watching is also fun. :wink:
  21. Welcome home, Mary Lou! I'm happy to hear that you had a nice time. :smiley:
  22. Welcome to CruiseCrazies, teacha50!! It's great having you with us. Please post often. :grin:
  23. Welcome to CruiseCrazies, navy1975!! It's great having you with us. Please post often. :grin:
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