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Everything posted by rogue

  1. Welcome to CruiseCrazies, nononsense42!! It's nice to have you with us. Please post often. :smiley:
  2. I've tried to keep a cruise diary, but it always seems that the cruise gets in the way. :wink:
  3. Chris, You always welcome here. I used to go on other boards, but just about exclusively here now. BTW, I love your web page. :grin:
  4. Welcome home, Lisa. Glad you enjoyed the cruise. Looking forward to hearing about it. :grin:
  5. Welcome to the board, Pommy!! It's nice having you here with all of us. Please post often. :wink:
  6. Welcome to CruiseCrazies, BrianandSusanK!! It's great having you here with us. You've found the nicest Cruise board on the net. Please post often. :grin:
  7. 285diane, Welcome to CruiseCrazies!! It's nice to have you here with us. Please post often. :wink:
  8. Welcome to the board, loots!! It's great having you here. Please post often. :smiley:
  9. Welcome to Cruise Crazies, Grdner!! It's nice having you here. Please posst often. :grin:
  10. Jennifer, thanks for the nice review. Glad you enjoyed the cruise. :cool:
  11. Thanks for the great review. Glad you had a nice cruise. Welcome back. :grin:
  12. That's a great review, John. Thanks for sharing. :grin:
  13. Welcome to the board, noobiecruiser !! It's nice having yoyu here with us. Please post often. :wink:
  14. Welcome to Cruise Carzies, Sailaway44!! It's great having you here. Please post often.
  15. Welcome home, and Bon Voyage! :grin:
  16. Lucy, welcome to CruiseCrazies !! It's nice having you here. Please post often.
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