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Everything posted by rogue

  1. BON VOYAGE, bogeesbrew!!!Howard
  2. Nice review, Gymbrat. Glad you enjoyed the cruise so much (but it's a cruise so how can't you enjoy it). We haven't been on the Valor yet, but it sounds great. I agree with you about 4 ports being a little too much. Our next cruise is 4 ports, but it's a 9-day cruise. We were on a cruise like your Valor cruise last April, and we felt like we needed a vacation when we got home. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the Valor. Howard
  3. We were in Bermuda in mid-October a few years ago and the weather was beautiful. It was in the low 80's evey day that we were there and the only rain that we saw was when we debarked (and that was only a drizzle). That is getting to the end of the season for Bermuda, so the temp could be in the 70's also. Bermuda is a great place to walk around to see the sights, so that weather is perfect. :wink: Howard
  4. jake165, welcome to CruiseCrazies11 It's nice to have you here on the board. Please post often. :grin: Howard
  5. We just make it as messy as we like. It then really feels like home. :grin: Howard
  6. Gymbrat, they're great pictures. Thanks for sharing. It really looks like you had a great time on the cruise. :grin: Howard
  7. Welcome to the board, DDJ!!! It's nice having you with us. Please post often. :grin: Howard
  8. tricktsm, welcome to the board!! It's great having you here. Please post often. :grin: Howard
  9. I think that you will have a real tough time trying to find a cruise for thbose weeks from either New York or Philly for under a hundred dollars/day. The cruises from the Northeast usually sell out pretty quickly, and the prices stay pretty high. The cheapest cabins usually seem to go for between $150-200/day. That said, it doesn't hurt to call a travel agent to see what they can actually do for you. I'm not a TA, and I'm just going by what I see in the adds and from some previous wxperience. We live in Philly, and my wife doesn't really like to fly, so we have sailed from NY several times. The one good thing is that you can save the air fare. Good luck. Howard
  10. Yarmouth...........Hawaii (where I would love to be right about now)
  11. Great pics. Thanks for sharing Howard
  12. Neverland........................Denmark
  13. All of those who are cruising, don't forget to print up a CruiseCrazies Cabin Door Hang. We put one on our cabin door on our last cruise, and a couple of people stopped us to say that they have read the board a few times, but have not signed up. I did encourage them to do so. I hope that they did. It was nice to print it on photo paper. Howard :wink:
  14. Bon Voyage, ericincalifornia!!! Howard
  15. Bon Voyage, Girlfriend!!! Howard
  16. rogue


    Congrats on the documents. It's just around the corner now. Enjoy the cruise. :cool: Howard
  17. It's always great to have new people posting on the board. The more, the merrier. Different points of view is what makes a board great. Keep on posting. :grin: Howard
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