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Everything posted by rogue

  1. Here's a great packing list for you to look at: CLICK HERE Howard
  2. BON VOYAGE, JohnG and Karen !! Have a terrific cruise. :grin: Howard
  3. Welcome, cbhilton!! It's great having you here. Please post often. :cheesy: Howard
  4. Welcome to the board, jbcrowther!!! It's great having you with us. Please post often. :smiley: Howard
  5. Welcome to CruiseCrazies, jess0009909!!! It's great having you here. Please post often. :cool: Howard
  6. cruiseaddiction, welcome to CruiseCrazies!!! It's nice having you here. Please post often. :grin: Howard
  7. Welcome to CruiseCrazies, sredish!!! It's great having you here. Please post often. :cool: Howard
  8.  lovetocruise, welcome to CruiseCrazies !! It's great having you with us. Please post often. :smiley: Howard
  9. Welcome to CruiseCrazies, byrd756!! nice having you here. Please post often. :grin: Howard
  10. Cowgirl177, welcome to CruiseCrazies!! Please post often. :wink: Howard
  11. Thanks for the nice review, Sewut. It sounds as if you had a great time. We'll be doing the cave tubing in April, so it was great to hear that you enjoyed it. Howard
  12. There will be no problem laying out in the sun. The water will be warm and you can probably swim. Remember, the sun will also be much stronger that\n you are used to at that time of year, so it will probably feel warmer to you. Howard
  13. Hi Kathi, and welcome to CruiseCrazies. I'm not on your cruise, but wish I were. Ours isn't too far off. Just understand, that this is your 1st cruise, but not your last. As for your other questions, yes you can bring your own cup for the free drinks. I have seen quite a few people do it. On the oher hand, I don't really think that the cups are that small. We were at the Blue Lagoon a couple of years ago. You take a boat ride right from the docks where your ship is moored. There may be a little walk because you have to go around the corner, but it is not a cab ride there. This is a relaxing excurrsion with some snorkelling and , as I remember, some swimming with stingrays (not dangerous). There is an area for swimming in a lagoon which your boys may enjoy. We have never sailed with little children, so it may be hard to answer your next question, but if you feel uncomfortable dining on formal night with your kids, you can always eat at the casual buffet area. The other thing is that I think that your short red dress would be fine for the formal night. As far as women's fashion goes, you will see that there is no hard and fast rules. The clothes run the gamut. I'm not sure which movies will be in your cabin, but I do think that they will be free. There are a few channels with different movies at different times and they do include children's movies. I hope that this helps some. I'm sure that there are others on the board that can answer the questions about the children's program better than I can. Enjoy the cruise. :wink: Howard
  14. Welcome to CruiseCrazies, lovetocruise!!! Congratulations on getting your docs. It's always a great feeling knowing the cruise is just around the corner. :grin: Howard
  15. I know the feeling. I'm now looking at each 10 day period as a milestone. It is amazing how fast it actually seems to go even though you're watching the clock. :grin: Howard
  16. Congratulations, Lisa! I know you'll have a great time. :grin: Howard
  17. ewjab, welcome to CruiseCrazies!! Please post often. :wink: Howard
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