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Everything posted by rogue

  1. BON VOYAGE!! Have a great cruise. :cool: Howard
  2. Congratulations!!Now the anticipation steps up a notch. :grin: Howard
  3. Thanks for the review. It's a shame that your cruise wasn't the best. We've never sailed with HAL yet, so this is very informative. Howard
  4. Very nice review. I think that you're right about a 3 day cruise being too short. We were on a 5 day cruise, and that was too short. :wink: Howard
  5. BON VOYAGE!! Have a great cruise. :cool: Howard
  6. I had business cards made up from VistaPrint which always advertises them for free. I don't need business cards, but just had all of my personnal info put on them so that I can give them out on cruises to the people I meet. The only thing that I had to pay was the shipping and handling which was quite reasonable. The cards are very nice, and unless you move, you can use them for years. :wink: Howard
  7. Cruisesarethebest, welcome to CruiseCrazies!! It's nice to have you here. :cool: Howard
  8. Welcome to the boards, Greeneyes!! Please post often. :grin: Howard
  9. Welcome to CruiseCrazies!! It's great to have you with us crazies. :wink: Howard
  10. Welcome to the boards!! Please post often. :kiss: Howard
  11. JULIEHAL, welcome to CruiseCrazies !! It's nice to have you here. :smiley: Howard
  12. Oh, if they're coming with you, don't forget the kids. :grin: Howard
  13. BON VOYAGE!! Have a great cruise. :cool: Howard
  14. Welcome to the boards!!! Please post often. :cool: Howard
  15. Welcome to CruiseCrazies, bakersuzie !! It's great to have you here. :smiley: Howard
  16. joykatz, welcome to CruiseCrazies!! It's great to have you here. Howard
  17. Welcome to the boards!!! Please post often. :grin: Howard
  18. theannieb, welcome !!! It's nice to haqve you with us. :cool: Howard
  19. bemysoul, welcome to CruiseCrazies!! Please post often. :grin: Howard
  20. I'm not on that cruise, but I wish I were. Congrats on the booking. :cool: Howard
  21. Under miscellaneous, don't forget duct tape. Also, extra batteries for cameras.
  22. Bon Voyage! Have a wonderful cruise. :cool: Howard
  23. BON VOYAGE!! Have a great cruise, coolone . :grin: Howard
  24. BON VOYAGE!!Have a great cruise. :cool: Howard
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