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Everything posted by rogue

  1. The 1st CruiseCrazies cruise in November was great. Cindy and I had a wonderful time. We are looking forward to being with the group again.
  2. Thanks for the nice review. Glad you enjoyed the cruise.
  3. Thanks for the nice review. Glad you enjoyed the cruise.
  4. BON VOYAGE, Jobster71!! Have a terrific cruise!
  5. BON VOYAGE, Mxgehrt!! Have a terrific cruise!
  6. BON VOYAGE, fotocruiser!! Have a terrific cruise!
  7. BON VOYAGE, YulzXasylum!! Have a terrific cruise!
  8. BON VOYAGE, Kssrcruiser!! Have a terrific cruise!
  9. BON VOYAGE, kbcoltfan!! Have a terrific cruise!
  10. I wouldn't mind the 14 days, but the cost is a bit steep for us. 13 days on the Connie with the group was great.
  11. I like the look of the 1st one. 9 nights is a nice amount of time on a cruise. There are several ports that we've never been to before. The price looks good also. I, personally, would rather sail from Bayonne than Boston. Bayonne is an easy drive for us (45-60 minutes). Baltimore would be nice also, but the extra cost would probably no be worth it.
  12. But Howard, a martini does the same thing as a patch. It just has to be renewed more oftern! Very good point, Steve. Exactly right.
  13. When we cruised to Canada, the sea was like glass. The only problem that we had was fog. Very thick fog. Strange, but very interesting. I wear a patch, but have never had a problem drinking alcohol with it. I actually think that I don't need it any more, but it is my safety net. On the Connie, I put one on the first day, and left it on about 6 or 7 days, then took it off and never put another one on.
  14. Having dinner together with the group on the Connie was certainly one of the highlights of the day (most nights), but you still can't beat having a great martini with the gang!
  15. Welcome to CruiseCrazies, Linda!

  16. BON VOYAGE, jocelysue!! Have a terrific cruise!
  17. BON VOYAGE, we2cruise!! Have a terrific cruise!
  18. BON VOYAGE, patty21!! Have a terrific cruise!
  19. Steve - that will all depend on exactly how long you have been in the Martini Bar when we pass the Statue of Liberty.
  20. BON VOYAGE, ejmmatt!! Have a terrific cruise!
  21. BON VOYAGE, HUGH!! Have a terrific cruise!
  22. BON VOYAGE!! Have a terrific cruise!
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