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Everything posted by JoeyandDavid

  1. did you guys see the new banner Jason had made for our group cuise?!! how cool.....
  2. Howard just to let you know most of the time when Joey is here.... we still need your help!
  3. We prefer to wait.. but the excitement normally overtakes us .. so we too are early arrivals... we will try once again to wait until 1pmish to board.. (prolly won't make it!)
  4. for something like that .. i think it would be best to ask her doctor or at least her pharmacist for advice..
  5. That really doesn't say anything about length....so now we're back at square one another website did say below the knee and lower qualifies ..but your right,, it doesnt say a thing about length..
  6. I love to learn... From http://www.merriam-webster.com
  7. I had always assumed a gown slightly dragged along the floor
  8. if you ever get the chance please try it.. it adds a whole new perspective to the cruise vacation..
  9. so ladies.. what is the correct answer... we gentlemen are still waiting for an answer...but wait this is too funny once again the ladies have the gentlemen waiting....lol
  10. I know on Celebrity they will escort you to your stateroom if you arrive after the staterooms are complete, which is a lovely feature. Which led me to wonder ... When you are taking a cruise.. When do you try and get to the port to begin the embarkation process?... Are you one of the ones that like to be one of the first on board.."after all i am on vacation" or....do you prefer to wait and arrive leasurely figuring i get there when i get there.."after all i am on vacation" When do you head for the embarkation pier..
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