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Everything posted by JoeyandDavid

  1. This is my Favorite Formal night picture... this one is one the mantel.... if i had a mantel....
  2. That is so nice I am going to steal that photo Jenn...
  3. we do have some nice looking couples.... don't we
  4. is that what a caftan is .....tell Joan she looks lovely..but then I am sure you already have
  5. ok we can post too .. but no kissing..... here we are with friends from Michigan
  6. Hey Bob....we did too.... but since celebrity has abandon semi nights we have room for the tux!
  7. When you are on a cruise and its formal night what do you wear? You can also vote for your partner/spouse or traveling companion
  8. J&J will inquire on board.... I do hope that is the case..... that would make it so easy....
  9. Joey, you will stand out as a man of distinction. Kevin we always do........... sometime as a good distinction.. however most of the time....it's for the other distinction...
  10. Steve that would be in my buffer when ordering I have to give something to the receiving Crazie as compensation for inconvenience ..:
  11. On another thread it was brought to our attention that there is a service called US Direct that allows cruise passengers to send the luggage ahead to the Vancouver air port thus expediting the return trip form an alaskan cruise.. http://www.portvancouver.com/vanAlaCruise/...s/usDirect.html I called Celebrity and they insist this is only for embarking cruisers.. and not availible for disembarking guests....the web site stipulates both are availible....has anyone actually used this service leaving a cruise ship heading back to the United States?
  12. Last update recieved...8/19/08 Jeans will not be allowed in the dining room or specialty restaurants in the evening .. but Celebrity will no longer adhere to the after 6pm dress code in public areas of the ship...
  13. our concerns stem from years ago when David and his best friend went to Mexico and got FOOD POISONING.. That of course was years ago.. when the rule of thumb was don't drink the water.. since that time I am sure the food handling and sanitation procedures have improved greatly.. it's just when you have been burned once you are cautious when you approach the fire.. I would think as long as you go to Senior Frogs or Hooters(Mazatlan) or some nationally recognized chain you should be fine.. I do know that some of the restaurants/bars at the piers where the ships dock, seem to be very popular with the cruise passengers and I really haven't heard of the negative type reports that happened to David.. My best advice as you would here in the states.. use your best judgment just be careful.....
  14. that was my thought ..I was going to have Husch ship direct.. if you want to browse their website we can place one order and then split it up before the cruise and settle up then...that is if you want.. you know the wine..
  15. what if i promise not to sing? That will be acceptable. thank you very much...
  16. how much lead time at the airport when leaving Vancouver
  17. This will be our first trip to Vancouver BC Canada.. we are flying Alaskan air..I know we need passports (no matter where we go we take passports)... but can you tell me what to expect when arriving and departing? Like for example.. what about clearing customs..and how early do we need to be at the airport is it 3 hours like when we fly to Europe or more like 2 hours when we fly domestically? any and all insights are appreciated... new experiences are fun but ......
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