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Everything posted by JoeyandDavid

  1. Thanks This is a trip I have been wanting to do for a few years.....now I have put it on hold twice and released and even booked once only to cancel... so this..is exciting for us... PLUS its not the Caribbean..(not that theres anything wrong with that)
  2. this cruise is three fold... 1 David has been working hard and this is a great way to celebrate his promotion...2...it lets us take amtrak to and from the embarkation and debarkation for a huge savings... and 3 and the most important reason........ this cruise fulfills my promise not to cruise with out him until we can cruise together!!!LOL
  3. Celebrity Mercury October 13 through the 22nd Vancouver to San Diego.. 9 night Wine Theme.. Here is the full itinerary : Vancouver, British Columbia Victoria, British Columbia Seattle, Washington Astoria, Oregon San Francisco, California FOR 36 HOURS.. Monterey, California San Diego, California and throw in two sea Days!!
  4. Just booked 9 Night Wine Cruise Cruise on board Celebrity Mercury October 13- through the 22nd .. Vancouver to San Diego We are Officially Stacked!! We are officially stacked with celebrity..
  5. this bear gets around let me tell you.. if only it was that easy..
  6. does anyone else think that lady is LOUD
  7. Crazie better be ... because "Crazie" had an affair with "Don" in Vegas and if "Crazie" is male .. that make him a whole different kind of BEAR!!
  8. OK we will wait.... I bet your close to a year and a half at sea..huh?
  9. Kim very nice ... your martini bar friends looked like a fun group.,... those aft pictures brings back so many fond memories...
  10. hey you beat us Andrea.. our first cruise was a 4 nighter!!
  11. well lets see my last birthday i was 39.... so i guess what 2..3?
  12. ok here we go ..... the best i can figure this is the aft of the connie.. those cabins in Red are CruiseCrazie® members..
  13. That would be sooooo cool... nothing like pictures to get a person all "CruiseCrazie" LOL
  14. So the middle one is a MOnkey? oh wow.. i sure missed that...
  15. Wow Howard thanks for the break .. Great question!! mark me at 64 days..
  16. Noted the dining selection.... Oh so we will be able to use you as our Connie Expert!!! Kewl...
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