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Everything posted by JoeyandDavid

  1. it is a great place mid mornings especially... nice and quiet...
  2. Judson I am a big fan of the luandry service... especially for dress shirts... tux shirts etc.. with a little planning you can do it... I know we have...
  3. Cova Café is the place on most Celebrity Ships where you can get Specialty coffees and Teas and usually there is a small combo for entertainment playing anything from chmaber music to jazz also there are complementary goodies to munch on... its just a nice place to chill.. Personally I like to get a pot of tea and people watch
  4. That was fun ..Now on to.. Todays Question: Thinking back (if you can) whose "idea" was it to take your first cruise?
  5. Anyone else spend some of their sea days in the Cova Cafe?
  6. Rose......Our little group is growing....
  7. I really shouldn't say... I don't want to Jinx it.. all i can say is that ...we are in the process of seeing what is possible...
  8. ok cool would you please let us know what you think.. curently we have reservations at the comfort inn and at the El Canario Inn
  9. I will have to read more about it and see how it may effect traditional dining .... I would venture to guess what happens at RCI eventually will trickle up or down depending on your opinion to Celebrity Cruises...so until I can see how it effects those options ..no comment.. but it is interesting... As Ed pointed out Azamara is already anytime..
  10. David was wrong..LOL duh Train 510 named the Cascades goes between Seattle an Vancouver BC .. the trip is approximately 3 hours and the cost 43.00 per person Just wanted you to have the correct answer..
  11. I have to be honest ..if someone says Cruise I say Crazies!! dang shame aint it!
  12. Thanks Jason for the sticky!! And Crazies don't forget about the $100.00 On Board Credit available per cabin!! *based on double occupancy For those ready to book! call JohnG at 888 470 6787
  13. oh by the way which hotel did you choose?
  14. Todays Question: Today lets have a little fun... word association!!!... Type the one word that comes to mind when you hear the word "cruise"...
  15. Andrea it's not a Dock dance it is a Doc dance.. celebrating receiving cruise DOCuments!!! But yes you got it correct!!
  16. oh just wait this 18 months will fly by ....especially when we get serious about the planning..... MaryLou did you hear .. we may have a suprise member going!! ...
  17. Congratulations.... I know you are looking forward to your crusie and look forward to your observations when you get back....
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