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Everything posted by JoeyandDavid

  1. oh no Tonia...this is not what i wanted to hear... oh bummer
  2. Hi Andrea... Group Cruises are listed here http://www.cruisecrazies.com/forums/index.php?showforum=17 And the Daily dock is here http://www.cruisecrazies.com/forums/index.php?showforum=27 What else can we help you with this fine day? joey
  3. yes you do!! as I read Yours!! Especially this one coming up..
  4. cool slide show... love the embroidered pillow cases!! to view guys click on the picture in the original post
  5. It's a coin flip, Joey. Three virtually identical ships. Century gets a remake while Galaxy leaves the fleet. I guess Mercury could go either way. My bet: she'll stay without major changes until the second Solstice class ship joins the fleet, then will go to another line owned by RCI. I think that the Century refit was in process before the Solstice ships were ordered, and they decided not to do a similar refit on Galaxy. interesting observations... you do have a point..
  6. I hope you can make it ED.. and make sure to bring Don as well!
  7. who wants to bet the Murcury gets a refit and will be a keeper?
  8. tomorrow April the 30th is the last day to save on fuel charges for this cruise.... Hope some folks take advantage ....
  9. They didnt list it and I wasnt for sure which catagory to put it in main or luxury.. that was the only reason
  10. Good post Thanks for the information.... I guess this is another reason to sail her in December so we can say yes we did!!
  11. Yes i do remember that humongous savings !!.. and yes if you see them before John does... just let him know... but John has assured me that he will watch out for price breaks along the way as well.... but to honest ... I have a feeling this one will sell fast....
  12. Todays Question: Today we have a two part question: Do you thoroughly read the daily activities program delivered to your room each night? Do you carry it with you the next day?
  13. Interesting ...I never knew the Cruiselines offered the free shuttles.. i had always thought it was the hotel complentary(built into the price of the room)service .. Cool
  14. Ray Welcome Back!! and Thanks for the great pictures, especially of # 1201.. did you get some sort award from Captains Club?
  15. do they offer shuttle to the pier?
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