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Everything posted by JoeyandDavid

  1. Yes i know..ty....But I wanted to do this thread for me and the lurkers who may want to know..
  2. ok but thats on a white shirt when i tried to create one on a colored shirt online it showed the logo inside of a white box..on a white shite it didnt show but on a colored shirt it did...(so the white box part MIGHT have blended in with the "WHITE" fabric.. my motto..."trust but verify"
  3. Howard let me follow up.....don't you find the nickle and diming takes away from the "fantasy"? It's not the nickel and diming that does that. It's more the constant sales pitches to get you to buy everything. I've been on enough cruises now to be able to turn them off in my head, but that only works to a point. so if i understand you ...it's not the action of nickle and diming .. it's the volume that that they use to entice you .. spend those nickles and dimes....that you find disturbing..
  4. I understand that one of my grazing options is Johnny Rockets.. I undserstand that there is a $4.95 "fee" associated with this resturant and that does not include milkshakes. However I understand there is no limit to the amount of food you can order while there.. I have also heard tha t the "fee" is per day and that if you want to go back later you may... Can someone enlighten me to the ins and outs of Johnny Rockets On Board
  5. Howard let me follow up.....don't you find the nickle and diming takes away from the "fantasy"?
  6. my concern is ... will there be a white ring around the logo if a COLORED shirt is imprinted .. Judson do you know when they reworked the logo did they also manage crop out the white?
  7. Gentle reminder.................Time runs out in five days for these prices..
  8. post one of this thread will always have links you need for this cruise..
  9. I have a tendency to ruin white shirts in a short time. I know what you mean..................you me and 98% of all males plus 12.8 % of females. and you know who you are...
  10. I may splurge and get a 60 dollar message for 125..
  11. Interesting.. plus it would mean all our embarkation pictures would then become a differtent type of keepsake..... interesting
  12. But if i am not behaving ... how could i possibly take pictures .. would'nt i be too pre occupied to zoom?
  13. I just saw that also. Maybe it will get the "other" board moving. It's awfully quiet over there. Most canceled ...
  14. now more than ever do we need photo ops but very calculated ......what we can't beat in size we can beat in technique..... (at least thats what I over heard two ladies saying while i was waiting for the bus....But...I think that fits here)
  15. I see where Host Andy from the dark side has joined this cruise...
  16. Naturally, it wouldn't be formal night without the pearls But of course!
  17. And a bow tie? But of course! after all it IS formal night.
  18. how about on formal night .. with jeans.. and flip flops...
  19. seriously though Howard .. I do believe Judson said they came out nice and in fact he was ordering other things as well..
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