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Everything posted by JoeyandDavid

  1. Hi what a fun cruise ...But I must warn you this post boarders on spam.... Hope to see you posting often...(HOPEFULLY WITHOUT THE AD) Joey
  2. Hi to Cruise Crazies!! Hope to see you posting often!
  3. kokomo had exclusivity with Magic Carpet Cruise line
  4. kokomo had exclusivity with Magic Carpet Cruise line
  5. Gail~ http://media.corporate-ir.net/media_files/...nefitLetter.pdf Stock holders home page http://www.rclinvestor.com/phoenix.zhtml?c...5&p=irol-irhome
  6. Gail~ http://media.corporate-ir.net/media_files/...nefitLetter.pdf Stock holders home page http://www.rclinvestor.com/phoenix.zhtml?c...5&p=irol-irhome
  7. It appears Celebrity, and Princess and HAL and disney and
  8. It appears Celebrity, and Princess and HAL and disney and
  9. plus i was baby sitting at the time.. its a frame up!
  10. plus i was baby sitting at the time.. its a frame up!
  11. :grin: I think so too...well Chris you would be the one to furnish that correct?
  12. :grin: I think so too...well Chris you would be the one to furnish that correct?
  13. treat each other they way we want to be treated .. wouldnt that be unique
  14. treat each other they way we want to be treated .. wouldnt that be unique
  15. yeah we love of games...LOL actually we like to just win thingys...
  16. isn't that something gail... they were bought by a big corporation from NJ.. Thats why they are like they are
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