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Everything posted by JoeyandDavid

  1. stickxx I totally understand .. as DP keeps telling me ... This isnt back in the day... this is the way it is TODAY.... I think this is the way it will be..... :undecided:
  2. done and also put on group page....BTW did you get a package from me? joey
  3. It appears the rules may be different for people traveling THRU the UK... Show of hands.. how many in thi sgroup have plane reservations that send them thru the UK on there way to or from ? Our hand is one
  4. Before I call the airlines does anyone know if we are allowed to change our tickets at no charge because of the situation.. I mean if i could fly around the UK this time Ithink We may be better off.. we are flying AA joey
  5. Excellent Idea<] .. don't you think so Miss C / Jason?
  6. The TSA maritime passenger security branch works closely with government agencies such as United States Coast Guard (USCG) and industry associations like the International Council of Cruise Lines (ICCL) on all issues of security related to the maritime passenger industry. For more information regarding cruise ship security as it relates to the traveling public, please go to the International Council of Cruise Lines website: http://www.iccl.org/
  7. Great post ..If I have read my policy correctly ..We are covered for any delay or missed connection. I have a note to re read the policy this week.. joey Avie you should really post this on the other threads ... you would fit right in here at Crazies... Hoping to see you post outside of Summit thread joey and David
  8. oldefox would you like for me to post this on our group page as well..? and are you saying you have 2 seats availible for all three ports of call?
  9. I may start photo copying all prescriptions so I can carry it with the specialty product I need.. But in your case I would definitively call your airline.
  10. In my opinion the first Airline that offers complementary toiletries while on board longer flights will be the winner in the business world
  11. Thats true too.. Not all cruise lines are as let me say "Generous" as Celebrity.. there are some that if the price goes down and it's after final payment they wont give the reduction.. or if they do the issue it in the form of Ship Board Credit...
  12. Normally I would have cut and posted the announcement.. But there are valuable links in the report..... please take time (when you do have the time) to explore the updated policies... http://www.tsa.gov/travelers/airtravel/ass...procedures.shtm
  13. Kareen, (just to let you know) We paid off our cruise months ago.. and have had TWO priced reductions ..BOTH were credited back to our Credit Card!
  14. Good Morning Group!!. 76 days till we sai :grin: l.....if anyone has a port of call they just "have to know about " befroe their booklet arrives .. let me know I will scan and post a link for you.
  15. Has anyone ever experienced the Charleston Stern-wheel Regatta?? http://www.sternwheelregatta.com/
  16. Jenn You are too Funny :grin: ... you make me laugh out loud so often!...how you been feeling?... love you new tag line. smooches
  17. Hey jackie thanks for checking in.. Bummer on the train thingy... :wink:
  18. You are so welcome Cruise4me... looking forward to getting to know you...please feel free to jump in with any and everything when you have time..........where are you thinking of cruising in 2007?
  19. Dear Dear Mebert..... here you are sailing away again.. Have a great time....Hope you can check in soon.. and get caught up... Have fun!!and be safe....
  20. Cheryl.... I know what you mean..... times are changing.... hopefully when its time to fly you may have some of the luxuries you seek... who knows maybe some enterprising airline may have "samples".... BTW we discuss anything here ... :grin:
  21. Hi Welcome to Cruise Crazies! The friendliest Board on the net!
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