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Everything posted by JoeyandDavid

  1. I really miss the Quality..... and listening to the speakers.. the anticipation of the order....
  2. ohhhh thats the job in quick service I aways wanted...
  3. as though you need more of an incentive :grin: but simply location location location glad you had time to stop in joe!
  4. I hope you are right... I sure enjoy it..... and really enjoy seeing both males and females in formal attire
  5. Welcome Back Joshua.. Glad you made it back.. how was the cruise?
  6. Jenn we didnt have egg rolls... this was old school wendys .. we pattied our own meat daily... now they "un pack it" or so I am told......
  7. I guess it's the end of another tradition.. the art of wearing formal attire :cry:
  8. I wish I could ship ahead both ways ...now that is customer service
  9. one checked bag a piece one garmet bag one carry on Total 4 pieces
  10. Larry that sounds nice...expensive?
  11. Mary Ann you are Welcome.. Thats what it is all about for us.... Look forward to meeting
  12. Tonia check it out http://www.santorini.gr-santorini.com/holidays/transport.htm
  13. Hey Avie and Cheryl... A friend of mine that runs another cruise forum its more of a video site, anyway he has a video that i wanted to share... it is in windows format . It is time lapse of the transits of the Canal Hope you enjoy.. http://www.joeyanddavid.us/panamacanal.wmv
  14. oh wow i used to manage wendy's and now I have heart problems...wow i have something in common with you both! :grin:
  15. oh my yes.. if you can do online check-in .. you are WAY ahead of the game
  16. Mary Ann I added a column on our group page and began adding home states... Jerry and Gail I also added you names to the list on the group page.. Please advise as to if you would like you state added and if you would like your email link activated.. thanks http://www.joeyanddavid.us/EuropeOL/milliegroup.html
  17. Hi Gail Glad you joined Crazies...we are booked in Conceirge Class we got the discount ... someone is blowing smoke I think......I think I would call again
  18. Robert sounds like you got it down!! Welcome :smiley:
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