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Everything posted by JoeyandDavid

  1. I have to admidt.... although I grew up a eers fan in the era of Coach Bobby B..and Coach Don.. I have always had a soft spot for my Thundering Herd....(some say they soft spot is in my head!) But I will say both WVU and MU never get the respect they deserve from the pollsters...
  2. That is when I would need you the most!!! so It's all good! :grin:
  3. We in fact are trying to trim down further
  4. Ryan and Heather thanks for theemail your pins will go out Friday!
  5. M & M have always been MIA they travel a lot.... :grin: I sent them mail .. I guess they got them...
  6. Hi Ryan.. Welcome to Crazies .... WVU and MU fan here as well Charleston Born we have lapel pins but i need you to send me your land mailing address.. you can get the email address by going to our home page... PS I sure do miss the late jack flemming joey
  7. Now you know why I aint worried on this trip .. i have nurses all over the place :grin:
  8. Jbond loved the screenshow.. which limo service did you use for LAX
  9. I neglected to say DP is Middle management with Amtrak west Coast
  10. I also heard today last month when this happened it was due to crew negligence
  11. Oldefox your are being mailed tommorrow.... Last call for "free" lapel pins ...deadline for requesting will be August 1st ish.
  12. You know if the honeymoon is going well they might not even notice us LOL
  13. Hi to Cruise Crazies!! Hope to see you posting often!
  14. Miss C, I don’t know about the others on this cruise…but for us after talking with others here and doing the weather dot com web site I basically feel the weather for the Mediterranean Cruise will be like a California winter .... cool temperatures with day time highs around 60ish... so I need some sweaters .... We decided that we would do the jean thing on excursions and of course will have our dinner clothes... So yeah 4 more sweaters for me and two more jeans for DP and we should be about finished except for the electrical adapter and a new lap top.. we are doing a "mock packing" in the next couple weeks .. Just to gage the amount of luggage :cry:
  15. Hi Avie... Did you guys get good flights/fares?.... as far as Xcursions I do know that for us Aruba and possibly Acapulco WILL be a beach day … Since we are traveling with another couple who had never cruised before we all agreed for a better experience we would get them evolved so after they get back from their current vacation we will be meeting to discuss what they found out about their assigned ports of call.. I will then be able to give you more of an idea form our perspective.. I still like the idea of the train
  16. Jackie i have been waiting so long... its close enough the the party begin! :grin:
  17. I bought my first sweater.... :grin:
  18. Your so funny Shannon.... DP goes for that panic diet but eats a cake while talking about starting it....LOL
  19. Hi Welcome to Cruise Crazies!! Hope to see you posting often!
  20. Especially for us we have been waiting since May 05
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