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Everything posted by JoeyandDavid

  1. skoal next time you paln a vacation try http://www.insuremytrip.com Depending on your trip you can save big money by comparing companies :wink:
  2. OMG two of you !!!!! LOL ........tonia and Jackie the Queens of the "rolling" tailer park.. just teasing gurls :grin: pps..I tried to talk david into it ..then there would have been 3..LOL but he said no way :grin:
  3. tbaby... that sounds like a great cruise... would you believe neither David or I have been to any of those three...
  4. Now that i want to see :grin:
  5. You know sometimes here in LA we have to call numerous times before the restaurant will fax us a menu....and it's a local call for them...imagine faxing International....may be a reason.....
  6. Hi again Tbaby... sorry I cant help you with Carnival.... but lots of people here will be around shortly to express opinions...LOL.. I know last time you had a stop in Key West.... where are you guys off to this time joey
  7. hey skoalboy.... we love to do doc dancing...now comes the anticipation.... As far as those other matters they can be cleared up with a little call you did save receipts?
  8. Jacket you got that right.. I sometimes tell people that Crazies is for adults... sure we play and tease like kids.. but we do it acting like adults ..... :grin: The price of disrespect is unbelievably high .... the cost of a person showing respect ...priceless :wink: joey
  9. but if it is in the luggage .....the clothes from the hotel the night before?..I am sorry but some folks are just plain Nasty.
  10. LOL@ avie....actually the correct answer is : I know little if anything about nothing, I am joey :grin: When I sign on CruiseCrazies my start page is the forum main page: http://www.cruisecrazies.com/forums/index.php?act=idx At the bottom of that page there is a section called: Board Statistics<]
  11. and as everyone knows chris It is one of the more dificult animals .... :wink:
  12. Hello Jack124 !! Hope to see you posting often!!
  13. Jackie.....they also have residency discounts...so ask if you get a discount for the state you live in....I saved a couple hundred last year being we were from California and sailing from FL AS far as that 55 thingy goes David quailifies.. but normally I just mention aarp (and you can join that at 50) and all senior discounts are applied (that worked with HAL years ago)
  14. yeah we are eligible but they don't offer one for either one of our upcoming cruises
  15. Carnival I believe publishes a book on "how to" you may check amazon. Joe and Joan "towel animals" are cleverly rolled towels that eventually ends up looking like an animal of some species.. it' has become a Carnival trademark..kinda sorta so the stewards are ENCOURAGED to do this
  16. Lisa! welcome back.... glad to hear you had a nice time I am really looking forward to your review..... joey
  17. Cheryl; you are too funny...LOL welcome yes you are inside cabin your cabin status is based on the number of posts..... :wink: so get to posting.... on warning this site has been known to get addictive. As far as your signature you need to close the "tags" whenever you see or any command like that it means that their was no end written to make it happen.. so all you need to do is insert the close of course font would be changed to [/size] or /color] depending on the tag you started…also when you are doing your signature there is a button to CLOSE all TAGS…..hope this helps .. the secret to closing is the brackets [ ] and the / Glad to see you here …..
  18. Jason protects not on his site but his members best he can..he has the site on ultra sensitive..lol.... with all the bots out there tracking email addresses it is to your advantage to break it up your email... so you dont get a bunch of extra spam joey
  19. Hey did you see where Cherole joined us here ... so she should be posting soon.... see it's going to pick up! :grin:
  20. Avie I am guessing 180 days out...could be wrong thou
  21. Hi to Cruise Crazies!! Hope to see you posting often!
  22. Hi Veronique, Love your screen Name !! Hope to see you posting often!
  23. good morning Avie......next week after dsl is installed I will be making availible a time lapse movie of the canal...( if all goes as expected)
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